5 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Driving Skills


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Road accidents are one of the major causes of fatalities in the UAE. These fatal accidents are caused by careless driving habits such as reckless and distracted driving. In any case, drivers must follow an effective driving strategy to practice ultimate road safety. A responsible and well-trained driver makes the road safe for everyone. Moreover, they must exercise control over their behaviour and emotions, follow defensive driving techniques and take responsibility for their driving decisions. This development of a safe driving attitude is an important trait of a highly skilled driver.

Given below are 5 tips that can help drivers improve their driving skills and maximise road safety.

Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving has become one of the leading causes of dangerous road accidents. Distracted driving is the act of engaging in other activities such as eating, drinking, or using mobile phone while driving that compromise the safety of occupants and other vehicles on the road. Distracted driving must be avoided at all costs as it takes the driver’s attention away from the road and can have dangerous consequences.

Also read: Motorists in Abu Dhabi Warned Against Distracted Driving

Practice Defensive Driving Strategies

Adopting cautious road practices is exceedingly important in ensuring road safety. A significant part of being a skilful driver is following defensive driving strategies. Some of the defensive driving skills that a good driver must follow are given below:

  • Make sure the vehicle is properly maintained.
  • Ensure that all occupants always wear a safety belt.
  • Drive within appropriate speed limits and avoid speeding or aggressive driving.
  • Make sure that there is an appropriate distance between you and the vehicle in front of you as that helps to prevent high-risk manoeuvres.
  • Be aware and alert of the actions of other motorists and pedestrians. Anticipate their movement and plan the best course of action in case of a risky situation.
  • Pay attention to the road ahead, behind and on both sides of your vehicle. Moreover, stay focused on driving by observing traffic laws and road safety protocols.
  • Accept responsibility for your driving decisions. A driver’s reactions and behaviour are completely in their control. Willingness to take responsibility shows maturity and develops discipline within the driver which improves their driving skills.

Manage Emotional Stress

Learning to manage emotional stress in everyday driving is important for the safety of the driver and the occupants. Here are some ways you can learn to manage emotional stress:

  • Develop healthy ways to process your emotions before you start driving. If you feel sad or angry, take a short walk or talk to a friend. The stress of unprocessed emotions can be detrimental to a safe driving experience.
  • Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to arrive at your destination so you don’t get impatient with traffic or red signals.
  • A patient and mature driver realises that some crucial aspects of driving such as the actions of other drivers and heavy traffic are beyond their control. You should proceed to stay calm in these stressful situations.
  • Consider talking to a counsellor if you experience persistent nervousness or anxiety while driving. You can also learn several coping mechanisms to keep anxiety to a minimum while driving.

Enrol in a Driver Training Program

The importance of proper driver training cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to developing a careful driving approach. Receiving proper road safety education and training can significantly reduce the dangers of the road. Drivers can enrol in a training program to master their driving skills and familiarize themselves with road safety protocols.

While a driver training program doesn’t stop vehicle accidents completely, it does minimize their occurrence. A comprehensive driver training program seeks to recognize bad driving habits of a driver and introduces them to safer and proper driving practices. Driver education can help inexperienced drivers avoid accidents in the following ways:

  • Driver training helps the driver become aware of high-risk situations such as heavy traffic, poor weather conditions, reckless drivers etc. With proper training, drivers can react to dangerous situations appropriately.
  • Driver training also helps drivers adopt safer driving methods by eliminating bad driving techniques such as distracted driving.
  • A well-balanced driving program also trains the driver on how to be comfortable while on the road. These tips can also help reduce driver fatigue that may cause drowsy driving.

Driving training is also necessary for everyone who wants to become a skilful driver. Driver education program also teaches important driving lessons such as traffic laws, changing lanes, proper parking, driver responsibility, rights of pedestrians and driving on highways and freeways.

Practising Safe and Responsible Driving Techniques

A major way to improve your driving skills is to practice frequently. Create a routine where you can practice and evaluate your driving abilities. Setting aside time for practising will allow you to explore safe driving methods and enhance road awareness. It will also help you develop a comfortable driving method and become familiar with different road conditions.

Also read: 7 Important Tips to Prevent Driver Fatigue

New Car Technologies Provide Enhanced Comfort and Safety

Modern generation cars are equipped with state-of-the-art driver assistance features that improve driving experience by making it safer and more comfortable. Driver-assistance technologies and safety features are one of the fastest growing segments in automotive technologies as safety is an important part of the buyer’s purchasing decision. Advanced driverassistance systems not only enhance the safety of the occupants but also improve the overall driving experience. Vehicles with advanced driverassistance systems detect road hazards, alert the driver of dangerous road conditions, and in some cases, automatically stops or decelerates the vehicle to prevent an accident. These advanced technologies reduce the risk of dangerous road accidents and minimises the impact of a severe collision.

Given below are some of the most advanced driver-assistance features that help maximise road safety:

  • Adaptive cruise control
  • Glare free high beam and pixel light
  • Anti-lock braking system
  • Automatic parking
  • Automotive navigation system
  • Automotive night vision
  • Blind spot detection system
  • Collision avoidance system
  • Crosswind stabilization
  • Intelligent speed adaptation
  • Lane centering
  • Lane departure warning system
  • Lane change assistance system

Drivers who prioritise a comfortable and safe driving experience can sell their old vehicle and upgrade to a new car with advanced driver-assistance technologies. Previous generation vehicles don’t have latest technologies and only come with basic safety features. However, it is critical to understand that while these technologies help enhance road safety and occupant comfort, they are not a substitute for alert and attentive drivers. While advanced safety features are significant in keeping occupants safe, a driver must not become over-confident and take risky driving decisions. A skilled driver must always maintain focus on the road, follow road safety protocols and respond to dangerous situations timely.

If you are looking to sell your used car to buy a new one with advanced safety features and improved performance, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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