Why Driving Safe Should be Your New Year’s Resolution?

New Year Resolution to Drive Safely on the UAE Roads in 2017

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With the trend of making New Year resolutions in full swing, it’s important that you keep your driving habits in consideration. For preceding years, road accidents have been a major growing problem for UAE motorists. Despite the fact that UAE is known for having strict laws and regulations when it comes to road safety, there are numerous incidences of road fatalities reported year round.

It was reported by RoadSafetyUAE that the average count of road fatalities during the year of 2015 was 6/100,000 inhabitants. These are mostly a result of non-compliance of basic road safety measures.

In order to curb these accidents, RoadSafetyUAE has started this year off by stressing upon three basic tips for motorists to adopt and be conscious to ensure a safe driving experience.

Buckle up your Seat Belts!

According to a road safety expert in Dubai, a habitual usage of seat belts during driving is the single best way to stay safe while driving. This safety tool should not be limited to the driver but in fact RoadSafetyUAE has recommended “the passengers in the backseat must buckle up too in order to ensure maximum safety” as well.

The road safety authorities in the UAE are working on a law for seat belts for all and its immediate implementation. This is particularly important for the protection of children sitting at the back. At times those are the ones who neglect to observe such safety measures.

Buckle up your Seat Belts!

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Time Management – Important for Road Safety

One of the leading causes of over speeding is because of the “running late” factor. This stems from poor time management that allows motorists to compensate their time through reckless driving, cutting lanes and tailgating.

This behavioral change is supported by a RoadSafetyUAE survey that revealed 67 per cent of motorists admitted to the fact that they over speed due to short of time. Therefore, the authorities have called upon all motorists to manage their time properly. By leaving the venue 10 minutes before will resultantly reduce stress levels due to traffic, which will also keep other passengers safe.

Time Management – Important for Road Safety

Also read: 7 Ways to Beat Stress When Stuck in a Traffic Jam

Observe Road Rules and Etiquettes

Road rage and impoliteness is one of the leading contributors to accidents and near misses. Its proof is evident from RoadSafetyUAE survey where it was reported that more than half percent of motorists feel unsafe while driving on the road.

While driving, it is important to treat others like you want to be treated as stated by Thomas Edelmann, Founder and Managing Director of RoadSafetyUAE. So observance of road etiquettes and politeness plays a pivotal role in reducing stress and maintaining road safety.

Observe Road Rules and Etiquettes

Vision 2021 – To Achieve Milestones in Road Safety

One of the UAE government’s ambitious targets to achieve for Vision 2021 is to reduce fatalities by half as compared to the figures in 2015. That is why RoadSafetyUAE is putting utmost stress on motorists in the UAE to strictly observe basic road safety rules for the year 2017.

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