Volkswagen Golf Recalled for Faulty Fuel Pump

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Volkswagen is one of the greatest conglomerates in the automobile industry and continuously churns out iconic car after iconic car. Despite the fact that the German car maker is really good at what it does, there are situations whereby mistakes are made or some factors overlooked at the point of manufacturing or assembly of the vehicles.

On this occasion, one of the VW products with a high car rating is placed in the spotlight due to an intrinsic glitch. The VW Golf did a lot to bring the brand of Volkswagen to the world stage at a time when the country of manufacture still had vestiges of being ostracized for events of international conflict.

Bar all the car history attached to the Golf, it is at this point that you would want to find someone interested in a used car purchase. Apparently the car may be at risk of stalling while being operated due to Bosch supplied fuel pumps that could fail. The pumps are coated with nickel plating that could flake off and cause increased friction resulting in the part failing to operate optimally. Such incidents increase the risk of getting into crashes and can cause many people to distance themselves from a model.

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