United Arab Emirates is host to the world’s largest armoured vehicle operation, the Streit Group.

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At the helm of the company is a man named Guerman Goutorov. Originally from Russia, he also calls Canada home, but has decided to do his business in the United Arab Emirates where there is an obvious niche (his largest market s the middle east) and because the business practices of the UAE suit him.

Working 5 years as a police officer in Russia, Guerman saw his share of criminal situations, and he began to wonder about cars that could protect the people riding in them. He started looking at what was on the market and then he ended up making something to fill the niche that he discovered upon investigation.

With only a handful of tools, Guerman started rebuilding and armouring vehicles. He was the only employee at the time and did everything from the welding to the painting. This was in 1996.

He currently has almost 500 employees and creates about 150 armoured vehicles in a month. The plant is in a city in the UAE, and ships cars within its largest market (the middle east) but also has business all over the world.

Guerman plans to double the capacity of the plant in the near future and increase production of military vehicles, as he recognizes the importance of safe transport for those in dangerous circumstances. He also sees this as useful for the transport of dignitaries and individuals who run the risk of being targeted. His armoured vehicles are gaining respect and business is thriving.

As of now, most of his business is armouring commercial cars and this takes about 10 days to do. The vehicle is stripped down to the frame and reinforced and armoured to protect any passenger inside. The cars are inconspicuous and low profile in appearance. Everything from cars to busses that transport employees in places like Iraq are created to provide safe transport in any circumstance.

Where there is a niche, a businessman will fill it, and there is opportunity abound in the great United Arab Emirates, especially if it has something to do with motor vehicles.

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