The UAE Ranked 3rd in Demand for Self-Driving Cars Globally

Self-Driving Cars UAE

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It has been long since the discussion for the need of self-driving cars first surfaced and slowly but gradually we have moved from mere discussions to building such cars in real. People of the UAE who are always excited about new innovations in cars and crazy about advanced technologies have welcomed the self-driving cars more than graciously. These vehicles have been in concepts for years and the need of having more of their production units on streets is now becoming a popular debate all over the world. There are already a few companies like Google, Mercedes, Nissan and Audi who have tested their self-driving vehicles but the complete driverless technology in cars is yet to be proven safe for motorists worldwide. A recent surge has been recorded in demand for self-driving cars in the UAE which is clearly not surprising considering car market in the UAE is full of variety of cars by top brands and any new innovation about cars becomes quickly acceptable in the UAE.

Also Read: 25% of Transportation in Dubai to be Smart and Driverless by 2030

UAE’s Demand for Self-driving Cars

According to a report published by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in collaboration with World Economic Forum (WEF), Emiratis are ranked 3rd in demand of self-driving cars globally. The UAE people have shown massive interest to own such cars leaving behind even the Japanese and Germans according to this report.

Results of New Study on Self-driving Vehicles

The study named “Self-Driving Vehicles, Robo-Taxis, and the Urban Mobility Revolution” was conducted in the month of August in 2015 and a data from 504 respondents was included. Results of this study show that 70% car customers in the UAE wished to ride in completely self-driving cars whereas 79% expressed desire to travel in partially self-driving cars. The study further revealed that 47% car customers were willing to spend more for buying fully self-driving cars of which 72% agreed to pay at least extra AED18,400 for it. The study also indicated that 44% respondents hoped to find self-driving cars from traditional car manufacturers.

Why Self-driving Cars are Becoming Popular in the UAE

People in the UAE have been facing a number of traffic issues in recent times and are always looking for solutions to lessen their worries of getting penalized for traffic violations. Self-driving vehicles are perceived as an excellent alternative by the UAE motorists to conventional cars as these vehicles can handle themselves. They believe, such cars will make their life easy especially when stuck in traffic congestion or when driving on highways with speed limits. Other than that, these cars do not demand any effort while parking them and feed great comfort to the drivers on a whole. It is expected of the driverless cars, that they will have strong functionality to avoid traffic accidents eventually playing a part in improving the present state of UAE’s traffic problems. All these factors have grown demand for self-driving cars in the UAE.

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