UAE Insurance Authority to standardize the car policy

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In extra parts of the world, car declaration expenditures are biased by frequent contributory issues, counting the driver’s age and gender, as well as the make, worth and perfect of car and the protected person’s driving greatest and coincidence antiquity. That is incomplete now, declarations proportions in this nation have been future exclusively on the basis of the worth and age of the car you liveliness. Whether the discrete behind the wheel asset are high- or low-risk, a harmless motorist or a sudden one, had no excite. All this might modification as the UAE deliberates new rules on motor cover morals.

As The National reported yesterday, the UAE Insurance Authority has prepared a draft law to standardize car policies, which has been referred to the federal Cabinet for approval.

If the policy moves forward, it could have several effects: the difference between having a clean driving history and one that’s laden with previous accidents could potentially add hundreds (possibly thousands) of dirhams to an annual insurance premium. Accumulate multiple penalties and you might become uninsurable; drive a high-performance, high-value car while you are young and you may find yourself paying a heavy price.
But there are also benefits to this potential recalibration. As Dr Abdullah Zineddin, a road-safety specialist in Abu Dhabi, has pointed out, such a rule change is likely to have a profound effect on the way we drive.

The proliferation of speed cameras in the UAE has already delivered demonstrable returns in terms of driver behavior in the short time since they became a roadside fixture. There is, however, still plenty of room for improvement in that regard.

Evidence suggests the number of accidents and violations comes down when a driver is hit in his pocket for the crash he has on the road. Regulations might be written so that if a driver got a speeding ticket, his or her insurance premium would rise too. This could be a big boost for road safety.

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