UAE Amongst the Highest in the World

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Continuous increase in fuel prices is changing families’ driving habits in the UAE. In a recent online consumer poll conducted by ACNielsen among 23,500 regular Internet users in 42 countries, almost half of the respondents in the UAE said they try to use their vehicles less, to control their fuel expenses, according to a press release.

The ACNielsen study found that Internet users in the UAE have the highest number of vehicles in private possession worldwide, together with Italians and Americans. Almost all respondents (93%) in these countries said they have a vehicle for which they must buy fuel.

Concerns over rising fuel prices are high everywhere, and it’s not only about having a car. On the global average, 71% say they have a vehicle to buy fuel for. At the same time, 82% feel affected by fuel prices. Even in the least anxious Scandinavian countries, Hong Kong, Singapore, China and the UK, it is still over half of the respondents who sense the hit on their pockets. In the UAE, 85% feel affected, to a bigger or lesser extent.

“Contrary to a common opinion, UAE’s well-being depends on the business sector and travel much more than it does on oil reserves. Therefore, people here are concerned about the influence of fuel prices on the economy and the cost of living just like they are elsewhere in the world”, says Piyush Mathur, Managing Director, ACNielsen GCC.

On the other hand, almost none would agree to change their car for a motorcycle, a scooter or a bicycle. Similarly, no one is ready to give up using their vehicle altogether, while, for example, in Brasil, 13% of Internet users claim that high fuel prices have urged them to do so.

The ACNielsen Online Consumer Confidence Survey, the largest twice-yearly global survey of its kind, is aimed to gauge consumers’ current confidence levels, spending habits/intentions and current major concerns. The most recent wave of the survey took place in November 2005 and polled over 23,500 consumers – regular Internet users – in 42 markets in Europe, North and Latin America, Asia-Pacific region, Africa (Republic of South Africa) and the Middle East (UAE). (Emirates News Agency, WAM)


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