Traffic Violations that Can Lead to Cancellation of a Driving License in the UAE

Traffic Violations that Can Lead to Cancellation of a Driving License in the UAE

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It is not easy to get a driving license in the UAE, especially if you are applying for a driving license for the first time. Young drivers and expatriates applying for their first driving license in the UAE have to attend a driving course that includes training sessions, lectures, a theory test and a road test. The road test can genuinely test the knowledge and skills of a driver and while you can make multiple attempts to pass a driving test, you will not be issued a driving license in the UAE without passing the road test.

All the efforts made to get a driving license can become insignificant if you commit dangerous traffic violations in the UAE and get your hard-earned driving license cancelled.

How Can I Get my Driving License Cancelled in the UAE?

Understanding the UAE’s driving culture and traffic rules is of immense importance for motorists and especially for the expats who belong to different countries where they had experienced completely different traffic culture and rules.

In the newly amended federal traffic law that was implemented on July 1, 2017, penalties for dangerous traffic violations have been increased. The traffic authorities have taken this step to discourage reckless driving and improve road safety across the UAE for the well-being of motorists.

There are certain violations that can have fatal consequences and put the road safety of commuters at a serious risk. For such violations, the authorities have levied harsher penalties which include heavy traffic fines, black points issued against the driving license, impounding of the vehicle and detention of the offender in some traffic violations where courts have to decide the penalties.

Black points issued against your driving license can lead to the cancellation of your driving license in the UAE. You cannot let the black points mount up to 24, as that is the limit after which your driving license will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to drive in the UAE until the driving license is renewed. There are certain violations that can straightaway result in the cancellation of a driver’s license while in case of other violations, the repetitive offences add to the black points’ tally, which ultimately causes the cancellation of a driving license. This is what motorists in the UAE must understand in order to avoid traffic violations that can result in cancellation of their driving license.

How Can I Get my Driving License Cancelled in the UAE?

The driving license rules have been amended in the UAE to regulate the issuance and renewal validity of the driving license in a better way. For details, read our blog on amended driving license rules.

Most Common Traffic Violations in the UAE and their Black Points’ Penalty

There is a long list of traffic violations that are part of the newly amended traffic law. Some of these violations are more common than others as motorists in the UAE are found guilty of committing these violations repetitively. All these violations include black points and the driving license of motorists can be cancelled if their black points amount to 24.

The most common traffic violations with their black points’ penalty are listed in the table below:

Most Common Traffic Violations in the UAE and their Black Points’ Penalty

Note: These are only the black points, for details of other penalties which include fines, confiscation of a vehicle and jail-time, click here.

Be Careful and Attentive in order to avoid Traffic Violations

In order to avoid dangerous traffic violations that can lead to cancellation of a driving license in the UAE, motorists must adopt a careful and attentive approach while driving. Being attentive while driving and maintaining patience in challenging conditions is important as it can help reduce any possibility of reckless driving. On the other hand, preferring cars with better safety and driver-assist features while buying a new car is another way of avoiding any unwanted and unintentional dangerous road situation. The advanced safety and driver-assist features such as Head-up Display, Emergency Brake Assist, Forward Collision Control, Lane Keep Assist, Automatic Emergency Braking and more, can play an important role in avoiding an unintentional driving mistake that can have dangerous consequences and lead to cancellation of the driver’s license.

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