Traffic Problems in the UAE – A Roundup of 2016

Traffic Problems in the UAE – A Roundup of 2016

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Traffic problems of the UAE have troubled motorists and regulatory bodies a lot in recent times. The transport regulatory bodies face a constant struggle to maintain proper traffic channels and minimize risks of a traffic accident. Since 2008, the UAE saw a huge rise in traffic accident related casualties, but with the cooperation of the motorists and the residents, the officials have been able to get a hold of the situation in 2016.

The year 2016 has been a good year for the UAE traffic, largely thanks to the vigilance and direct actions of the UAE officials by setting new parameters and heavy fines for every traffic violation.


Traffic Related Deaths and Injuries in 2016

With the introduction of new traffic and driving related fine initiatives, the UAE authorities have been able to keep the fatalities and road accidents in check. In the first half of 2016, 112 traffic related deaths occurred in Dubai alone, with 1037 injuries in 1472 traffic incidents. With these statistics, there is 13.3% decrease in traffic related deaths in Dubai as compared to 2015.

UAE saw an overall decrease of 37% in traffic fatalities since the devastating peak of 2008. As compared to the 675 traffic related casualties in 2015, 650 casualties were recorded in 2016. According to officials, 90% of the traffic accidents are caused by human error and human carelessness.

Also read: The Leading Cause of Road Deaths in the UAE Revealed

The Reasons behind Traffic Problems and Fatalities in the UAE

During the year, Dubai and the UAE traffic authorities tried to bring some control by introducing new radars to detect traffic violations and setting heavy fines. With these initiatives, the officials were able to record the main reasons behind traffic problems and accidents in the UAE that happened in 2016 so far.

Here are some of the main reasons and the most common traffic problems that lead to accidents and injuries.

Reckless Driving

Reckless driving has always been one of the main reasons behind traffic accidents and injuries in the UAE. In 2015, 5,000 accidents occurred due to reckless driving. Driving without seeing where you are going or looking out for oncoming traffic can lead to accidents and injuries. In fact, the Head of Public Relations at Abu Dhabi Police’s Traffic and Patrols Directorate, Col Jamal Al Ameri said that the proposal for 24 hour jail time for a reckless driver is fitting. Traffic related injuries and deaths can be lessened by avoiding reckless driving and being more careful.

Traffic Violations

Even after the many innovative initiatives taken by the Dubai Police, traffic violations are still one of the biggest reasons behind traffic casualties and injuries. Violations such as over-speeding, jumping red lights, ignoring traffic signs, entering prohibited areas (especially hard shoulder violations) on the road and blocking traffic are almost always the cause of traffic accidents. Using a smart phone is also one of the reasons why people get in road accidents in the first place.

Traffic Violations - UAE

Also read: 100,000 Traffic Violations Recorded for 1st Quarter of 2016 in Abu Dhabi

Traffic Congestion

Driving in congested roads can lead to traffic accidents. There is 1 car for every 2 residents in Dubai, which leads to more cars on main roads. Driving on roads as such E611, E311, Sheikh Zayed Road, Umm Al Qawain, and Ras Al Khaimah in peak hours can lead to frustrated drivers and bumper to bumper traffic. When drivers don’t maintain proper distance between cars, one person’s mistake can be fatal for other drivers as well. This is the reason why drivers are always encouraged and urged to maintain proper car distance and make sure that they maintain their lane even when they are driving at a snail’s pace.

Why the UAE’s Traffic Problem is Getting Worse

Also read: Why the UAE’s Traffic Problem is Getting Worse

Heavy Traffic Induced Stress

Driving in heavy traffic can cause stress and that stress can lead to bad driving decisions. Other than a foul mood, being stuck in traffic can affect mental health as well. Dubai motorists spend 3 hours every day in a traffic jam. Motorists feel the pressure of maintaining their lane, keeping safe and driving properly while they are in heavy traffic. Of course, everyone is in a hurry and being stuck in heavy traffic is not ideal for any one. However, it is better for your safety and for the safety of motorists around you to keep calm and drive as carefully as possible.

Sudden Lane Changing

Sudden swerving or lane changing is also a major reason behind traffic accidents and injuries in the UAE. According to a research, 64% people are late to reach their work due to traffic jams and this is just one of the reasons why drivers suddenly change lanes to reach their destinations quickly. Changing lanes without indicating because the lane next to you is moving fast can cause serious damage to multiple cars, drivers and passengers. Caution must be exercised in such situations and the car driver must wait patiently for their lane to move.

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Lack of Attention

Lack of attention and lack of respect for the traffic rules is one of the primary causes for traffic related injuries and fatalities. According to the traffic authorities, 44% of the road accidents were caused by motorists between the ages of 18 and 33. All of these accidents happen because of the impatient drivers who are not paying attention to the road, in a hurry or are using their phones. In fact, in 2015, 919 accidents were caused due to careless and inattentive driving.

Lack of attention while driving in the UAE

Fog, Dust Storms and Sandstorms

Driving in low visibility conditions is another reason for traffic related deaths and injuries in the UAE. Since these are natural phenomenon, there is not much that the motorists can do about it. However, they can use precautions such as driving slowly, using fog lights or low beam light, do not stop abruptly, maintain proper distance between vehicles and do not change lanes abruptly. The chances of a road accidents are high in such conditions and it is up to the driver to keep an eye on the road and ensure the safety of everyone around him. If you do not have any visibility, it is always best to pull over to the side of the road while your hazard lights are turned on.

Steps Taken In 2016 to Improve Traffic Situation

In 2016, the traffic regulating bodies took many initiatives to improve the traffic situation and minimize casualties. The changes in the traffic regulatory policies include new penalties, campaigns and seminars to educate people about/on road safety. Some of the most highlighted events and new practices include:

  • New traffic limits were introduced
  • Use of radars, speed guns and speeding monitors were used to monitor roads.
  • Motorists with green vehicles were given free parking and other benefits.
  • Installment plans were announced for motorists to easily pay their traffic fines.


The year 2016 was reasonably satisfying for traffic authorities as their efforts brought the alarming count of road causalities down but, there is still room for improvement. Motorists must cooperate with the authorities in their road safety initiatives so that the traffic situation in the UAE can continue to improve every year.

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