Traffic Penalties for Driving a Polluting Vehicle in the UAE

Traffic Penalties for Driving a Polluting Vehicle in the UAE

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Driving a polluting vehicle that emits visible black smoke is a traffic offence in the UAE. Traffic authorities in the UAE have adopted a tougher stance against motorists who drive polluting vehicles and anyone driving such a vehicle can be penalized with a heavy fine and have black points issued against his/her driving license. The penalties for driving a polluting vehicle are already part of the new traffic law, which was implemented on July 1, 2017, but motorists were also recently warned by Abu Dhabi Police to avoid driving a polluting vehicle as the traffic authorities aim to improve the air quality in the UAE.

Official Statement about Penalties for Driving a Polluting Vehicle

Motorists were warned by Abu Dhabi Police against driving a polluting vehicle in the recently held “Clean Air Forum” arranged by the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD) and the Department of Economic Development-Abu Dhabi. Captain Abdullah Ghafli of Abu Dhabi Police said that motorists can be fined with AED 1,000 and six black points can be issued against their license if they are found guilty of driving a vehicle that emits visible black smoke.

He added that if a police officer observes any vehicle on the road emitting black smoke, the motorists can be penalized on the spot. He also said that the monitoring systems in Abu Dhabi are highly advanced and capable of spotting the polluting vehicles with ease so motorists cannot escape being spotted for this offence at any time of the day. He also addressed the audience at the Clean Air Forum about the dedicated approach of the Abu Dhabi Police towards decreasing the pollution levels in the UAE.

Also read: Traffic Violations with Maximum Fines in the UAE

Why Would a Car Emit Black Smoke?

In order to avoid driving a vehicle that causes pollution in the form of black smoke, one must know what could be the reasons behind black smoke emissions from a vehicle. Breathing the black smoke emitted by a vehicle on the road can even cause cancer, which is why this is a serious environmental concern and authorities are trying their best to discourage motorists from driving polluting vehicles.

The following could be the major reasons behind a vehicle emitting black smoke.

  • Incomplete combustion of fuel by the engine due to a possible problem with engine piston or because of a bent injection valve
  • Clogged fuel return line
  • Poor carburettor settings
  • Damaged or old air filter
  • Entering of engine lubrication oil in the combustion chamber of the engine’s cylinder(s)
  • General poor maintenance of the vehicle

The major reason behind the emission of black smoke from a vehicle is the lack of regular car maintenance. If you don’t give importance to regular maintenance of your vehicle, your car can start emitting black smoke and you can be penalized for driving a polluting vehicle. In order to avoid heavy penalties for driving a polluting vehicle, you must maintain your vehicle according to the instructions mentioned in the car owner’s manual or advice of an expert car mechanic.

Also read: Introducing Car Maintenance Guide for Your Vehicles – Never Suffer a Car Breakdown Again

Go for Zero Emissions!

If you are tired of paying penalties or fear that you could be penalized for hazardous gaseous emissions from your vehicle despite all your efforts to maintain it properly, it is time to upgrade your vehicle to a vehicle that ensures zero emissions.  Gasoline-powered vehicles start to show problems on the regular basis once they grow old and dangerous gaseous emissions is one of these problems.

Upgrading your vehicle to an electric vehicle (EV) can easily solve such problems as electric vehicles ensure zero emissions, hence they are an eco-friendly commute option. Electric vehicles generate power from electric batteries, which means they don’t host any combustion process under the hood, a malfunctioning of which can cause the emission of black smoke. The government of the UAE and the traffic authorities aim to push the sales of electric vehicles in the next few years to improve the air quality in the country and to reduce its carbon footprint.

Driving a polluting vehicle is one of the most serious traffic violations in the UAE and you can easily avoid it by just upgrading your vehicle to an EV. The incentives to buy an electric vehicle in the UAE don’t just end here as there is a long list of benefits and incentives that are being offered by the UAE government to electric car buyers and electric car owners in order to promote the sales of electric cars.

Read about all the benefits offered to electric car buyers and owners in our blog titled, New Incentive Program Encourages the Buying of Electric Vehicles in the UAE.

If you are looking to upgrade your vehicle to an all-electric vehicle, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell your used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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