Toyota FJ Cruiser to be Discontinued in 2015

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There are so many reasons for automakers to stop producing a car, probe for low sales or line consolidation or new technologies. Regardless of the reason  some autos  are headed for the history books. When automakers live off of past success, they eventually learn: it is time to change or die.

It was always known that the Jeep Wrangler has a few-if any competitors to worry about in recent years. However, this was not the case after Toyota launched the FJ Cruiser with its off-road-ready suspension and meaty tires in 2007. Toyota gave a  promise to its all-terrain FJ that it would be only a one-generation model, to keep its promise good we head toward 2015. In fact, FJ production has already diminished, however  some new stock should be left when 2015 rolls around.

If you own a Toyota FJ Cruiser, now would probably be the best time to sell it before it becomes too late and loses more of its value.

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