Top 6 Safe Driving Tips for the UAE’s Bad Weather

Top 6 Safe Driving Tips for the UAE’s Bad Weather

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Bad weather has hit the UAE once again as dense fog, heavy rains and thunderstorms have been recorded across the country. Many minor and major accidents have been recorded due to slippery roads and extremely low visibility conditions caused by dense fog and heavy rains.

Authorities have issued a warning of inclement weather and advised motorists to be cautious while driving in bad weather conditions. Dense fog and heavy rain can increase commuting challenges for motorists and make driving extremely difficult. Authorities have urged motorists to adopt a defensive driving approach and be cautious, particularly when driving in low visibility conditions.

Here are the safety tips to follow when driving in bad weather conditions.

Avoid Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the major reasons behind road accidents recorded in the UAE. This is a dangerous traffic violation that can almost double the risk of a road accident in bad weather conditions. Motorists must maintain their 100% attention on the road and avoid using their mobile phones while driving as it has been identified as one of the most dangerous types of distracted driving in the UAE.

Motorists should also avoid eating and drinking or talking to other passengers while driving so that they can maintain their attention and drive safely in challenging road and weather conditions. Distracted driving is a serious offence and motorists will have to pay a fine of AED 800 while 4 black points will be issued against their driving license for committing this violation.

Maintain a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles

Tailgating or not leaving a safe distance from the vehicle ahead is another big reason behind most of the dangerous road accidents recorded in the UAE. According to traffic authorities, the available traction on roads can decrease significantly due to heavy rain, which can increase the risk of a dangerous road accident if motorists don’t leave a safe distance between their vehicles.

Vehicles need a longer stopping distance on slippery roads and to make it possible, motorists must maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead at all times. Tailgating is a serious offence and offenders will have to pay a fine of AED 400 while 4 black points will be issued against their driving license.

Don’t Drive in Extremely Low Visibility Conditions

Driving in low visibility conditions can have a toll on any driver, which is why it is advised by authorities to avoid driving whenever visibility decreases to a dangerous level. Motorists should keep themselves abreast of the latest weather updates and avoid traveling in extremely low visibility conditions.

On the other hand, if dense fog strikes you in the middle of your journey, you should park your vehicle on the right shoulder of the road and turn on the hazard lights to ensure safety. Motorists should avoid driving till visibility improves so that dangerous road accidents can be avoided safely.

Use Defoggers

Motorists must use defoggers to defog their vehicle’s front and rear screens while driving in dense fog. Motorists should also use their vehicle’s air conditioning system to direct hot air towards windows and front screen for a clear view of the road. A cautious and defensive driving approach can help avoid dangerous road situations in bad weather conditions.

Avoid Speeding

Motorists must decrease the speed of their vehicle by at least 15 Km/h to 20 Km/h from their normal driving speed in bad weather conditions. Slippery road conditions and low visibility can make driving extremely difficult in bad weather, which can increase the risk of a dangerous road accident.

Driving at a slow speed can reduce the risk of an accident if motorists have to apply emergency brakes on wet roads and it also helps in maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles. Over-speeding is a serious traffic violation in the UAE and motorists can face hefty penalties for committing speeding violations.

The table given below provides details of the speeding penalties in the UAE.

Details of the Speeding Penalties in the UAE

Maintain Lane Discipline

It is important for motorists to maintain lane discipline to avoid dangerous road accidents in bad weather conditions. Changing lanes without using indicators and sudden swerving are serious traffic violations that can result in fatal road accidents, particularly on slippery roads and when visibility conditions are not ideal.

Motorists should not change their lanes unnecessarily in low visibility conditions as it can make other drivers nervous and result in a dangerous road accident involving multiple vehicles. Motorists can face serious penalties for violating lane discipline, which include a hefty fine of AED 1,000 and 4 black points.

Drive Safely Motorists!

Authorities have issued a warning of inclement weather in the UAE for the next few days. It is of utmost importance for motorists to maintain their 100% attention on the road while driving and avoid committing dangerous violations that can result in fatal road accidents.

Motorists should also be considerate of other commuters including pedestrians, bikers and cyclists when driving in bad weather. Motorists can avoid dangerous road situations by following the aforementioned safe driving practices and by adopting a defensive driving approach.

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