Top 5 Reasons behind Dangerous Road Accidents in Sharjah

Top 5 Reasons behind Dangerous Road Accidents in Sharjah

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Sharjah Police has released a new traffic report to highlight the major reasons behind dangerous road accidents in the emirate. The report has been released at the end of the third quarter of 2018 and is based on the data of road accidents recorded in the first six months of the year.

Sharjah Police has carried out a detailed statistical analysis during the third quarter of the year to find out the major reasons behind dangerous road accidents. While the report released by Sharjah Police is new, the reasons for road accidents identified in the report are not new by any means.

The reckless driving behavior of motorists continued to be a major road safety concern for authorities as 105 road accidents were recorded in the emirate during the first half of 2018.

Also read: New Survey Reveals the Road Safety Perceptions of Motorists in the UAE

Details of the New Traffic Report by Sharjah Police

Sharjah Police has released the new traffic report to reveal the major reasons behind road accidents in the emirate. The study to understand the reasons behind road accident in Sharjah was conducted in an effort to improve the road safety situation in the long-term. The data of road accidents recorded in the first six months of 2018 clearly highlights that motorists have frequently committed traffic violations that have been considered to be the most dangerous violations in Sharjah for a long time.

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شرطة الشارقة ترصد مسببات الحوادث المرورية المتوسطة والبليغة للعام الجاري المقدم علاي: التحليل الإحصائي يستهدف الحد من حوادث الطرق ووضع الحلول 150 الف شخص استفادوا من حملات التوعية المرورية في الإمارة رصد فرع الإحصاء المروري بإدارة المرور والدوريات بالقيادة العامة لشرطة الشارقة عن “5” مسببات رئيسة للحوادث البليغة والمتوسطة التي وقعت بإمارة الشارقة خلال الربع الثالث للعام الجاري 2018، والممتد من مطلع شهر يوليو حتي نهاية سبتمبر. وقال المقدم محمد علاي النقبي مدير إدارة المرور والدوريات بالقيادة العامة لشرطة الشارقة، أنه انطلاقاً من حرص شرطة الشارقة على سلامة الأفراد والتصدي للحوادث بمختلف أشكالها فقد تم إجراء رصد دقيق للمسببات الرئيسة لحوادث السير والمرور، والذي نهدف من خلاله الى الوقوف على أسباب وقوع الحوادث، ووضع الحلول لها وفق رؤى علمية ناجعة، مع زيادة الجرعة التوعوية لتفادي وقوع حوادث مشابهة في المستقبل. ووفقاً للمقدم علاي فقد تبين من خلال التحليل الإحصائي أن عدم تقدير مستخدمي الطريق، يأتي في مقدمة أسباب الحوادث البليغة، والمتوسطة؛ ليتبعه الانحراف المفاجئ من مسار لآخر ، إذ يهمل بعض سائقي المركبات استخدام الإشارات الضوئية لتنبيه السائقين الأخرين عند انعطافهم من مسار لأخر مما يشكل انحرافا مفاجئاً وغير متوقعاً للأخرين تنتج عنه الحوادث. وأشار المقدم علاي إلى خطورة عدم ترك مسافة كافية بين المركبات التي ينتج عنها وقوع عدداً من الحوادث، وتأتي في المرتبة الثالثة من مسبباتها. كما أظهر التحليل الإحصائي المسبب الرابع للحوادث المسببة للإصابات المتوسطة والبليغة؛ دخول طريق رئيسي دون التأكد من خلوه من المركبات؛ رغم توافر اللوحات التحذيرية عند الطرق الرئيسة لتفادي مثل هذا النوع من الحوادث. و حذر مدير إدارة المرور والدوريات بالقيادة العامة لشرطة الشارقة من الإهمال وعدم الإنتباه والتركيز ، والمراقبة السليمة لحركة الطريق الذي يأتي في المركز الخامس من ضمن مسببات حوادث الطرق الرئيسة مبيناً أن معظم الحوادث التي حدثت في الأشهر الثلاث الأخيرة تعود لتلك الأسباب المذكورة آنفاً، إضافة لعدة أسباب أخري. ورصد تقرير إدارة المرور والدوريات بالقيادة العامة لشرطة الشارقة بعض الأسباب الخارجة عن إرادة أصحاب المركبات مثل حدوث إنفجار في أحد إطارات المركبة، أو بسبب الأرهاق، بينما سجلت أعداد قليلة للحوادث الناتجة عن السرعة دون مراعاة ظروف الطريق، والسير عكس الاتجاه، والقيادة بدون رخصة سوق، وتجاوز السرعة المقررة على الطريق.

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According to the latest traffic report by Sharjah Police, given below are the top 5 reasons for road accidents in Sharjah.

Lack of Attention while Driving

The most prevalent traffic violation that continued to threaten the road safety of all commuters during the first half of 2018 was lack of attention while driving. A large number of motorists were involved in using their mobile phone, eating and drinking or talking to passengers while driving, which compromised their attention on the road and caused a dangerous road accident.

Motorists in Sharjah will face a fine of AED 800 and 4 black points will be issued against their driving license for using a mobile phone while driving. Distracted driving can also be the reason behind committing many other dangerous violations for which motorists can face multiple penalties at the same time.

Sudden Swerving

It is another major road safety concern not only in Sharjah, but also across other emirates of the country. Recently, Abu Dhabi Police posted a video on its social media accounts where a sudden swerving driver can be seen threatening the safety of children in a school bus. To watch the video of the incident, click here.

Sudden swerving also remained a major reason for road accidents in Sharjah during the first half of this year. There is a fine of AED 1,000 and 4 black points are issued against the driving license of the offender for committing this dangerous violation.

Also read: Traffic Authorities Warn Motorists against Negligence and Careless Driving


Tailgating is another major offence that can cause a serious road accident in heavy traffic. It was identified as the third most prevalent cause of dangerous road accidents during the first half of 2018 by Sharjah Police. Tailgating refers to the failure of motorists to leave safe distance between vehicles while driving. It is a serious traffic offence for which motorists are levied with a fine of AED 400 and 4 black points.

Not Checking Before Entering a Road

Not checking a road before entering it resulted in many dangerous accidents during the first six months of 2018 in Sharjah. During this period, drivers failed to safely drive on roads that were blocked due to heavy traffic or some other reason. The primary reason behind this mistake of motorists was their lack of attention while driving.


Speeding has been a major road safety concern in the UAE for a long period of time. A number of initiatives have been taken by authorities in Sharjah to curb the menace of over-speeding, yet it pops up every time as a major traffic violation whenever a comprehensive traffic report is released. Motorists can face a hefty traffic fine of AED 3,000 and 23 black points can be issued against their driving license for driving at 80 Km/h above the speed limit of a road.

Speeding penalties according to the recently amended traffic law are given in the table below:

Traffic Penalties in the UAE for Over speeding

Official Statement on the New Traffic Report

Major Abdulrahman Khater, Director of Traffic Awareness at Sharjah’s Traffic and Patrol Department said that Sharjah Police has launched a series of campaigns with the objective to build awareness about importance of following safe driving practices. He said that authorities have been making their best efforts to create a safe and secure traffic environment on all the roads across Sharjah.

While these efforts and their continuation by Sharjah Police and other concerned authorities are important, the road safety situation can only improve if motorists recognize their responsibility and drive more attentively at all times.

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