Tips regarding driving a vehicle in the Middle East countries

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As high temperature drip, we’re nearsighted more rain in the county, so here are a few orders from British Highway safety charity, IAM (Institute of Advanced Motorists) that are price regarding. Beforehand you set off, set your a/c joysticks – rain can type the places ether up in flares. You don’t dearth to be trifling with wheels when you would be focused on the thoroughfare. Use the last demists initial some cars also at the present have faces demist nose. Slow down. In the rain your stopping detachment would be at least gathered. Philanthropic yourself more planetary aids you to circumvent bouquet, expressly when subsequent a large vehicle:

  • Keep your eyes on the road ahead and plan your driving so that you can break, accelerate and steer smoothly – harsh man oeuvres will unbalance the car.
  • Strong winds can also unsettle your car and even change your direction of travel. Grip your steering wheel firmly and be aware of the effects of the elements on other road users, particularly motorcyclists and flat-sided vehicles.
  • If you have cruise control, avoid using it on wet roads – it may create problems if you start to aquaplane.
  • See and be seen. Put your lights on – as a rule of thumb, whenever you need to use your wipers you should also turn your headlights on, and before overtaking put your wipers on their fastest setting.
  • Do NOT put your hazard lights on – these are only to be used in an emergency situation when you are stopped or to warn other drivers of an obstacle ahead and sudden braking. Any other use of Hazard lights can be confusing and misleading.
  • Drive on the highest section of the road and don’t set off if a vehicle is approaching you
  • Leave time and space to avoid swamping other cars and pedestrians
  • If you can’t see where you are going to come out of the water, such as when approaching flooding on a bend, think twice about starting to drive into it
  • When driving in wet conditions remember that stopping distances will increase, and visibility will be reduced. Drop your speed and give yourself more time to slow down.”

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