Some tips to prolong the life of your car

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How can you prolong the life of your car and keep it from breaking down? Here are some important tips that help you do so:

  1. 1.      Be patient during the running in period. That is the first 1,000 miles (1,600 km) of your car’s life. Don’t go over 55 mph (88 kpm) and keep to the speed recommended by your car’s manufacturer. Don’t put heavy loads on your car and use gradual acceleration from light to medium. In addition to that, do not make your car idle for long periods of time, because the oil pressure in this case may not be sending oil to each part of your car’s engine.
  2. 2.      Park in the shade or in a covered area, especially in extremely sunny areas in summer like UAE. By doing so, you will avoid paint fade.
  3. 3.      Clean the inside of your car regularly. Dirt particles are abrasive, and spilled liquids, such as soda, can be corrosive, so always vacuum and sponge your car from the inside every time you wash it.
  4. 4.      Maintain good driving habits. That includes many habits. Do not accelerate rapidly when you begin driving and don’t brake suddenly. Avoid racing and always let your engine get to operating temperature before putting your foot down at all. At red lights, the engine is still working to push the car even while it’s stopped, unless you put less strain on your engine and automatic transmission by shifting to neutral.
  5. 5.      When turning your steering wheel, don’t hold it in an extreme right or left position for more than a few seconds. Doing so can damage the power-steering pump.
  1. Get general checkups done all the time, and check the brake system and alignment regularly.
  2. Check all the fluids that you can on your own, and ask the mechanic every time you step by to check the fluids and the systems that need checkups. Fix any problem immediately.s
  3. Check the engine oil every week or at least every fill up, because it provides the lubrication that reduces the friction in the engine. If the oil is low or it is too old it will not do its job and that will end up in damaging your engine. Make sure to change the oil every 3000 miles and use the correct grade, that’s appropriate for your vehicle.


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