Tips to keep your car color

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With the use of the vehicle and consumption, especially if the car has no garage and is leaving a day in the street, and is exposed to heat, humidity and rain, and thus changes color and sometimes dripping paint from the outside, car owner needs to restore luster and pomp of his car.

But do you need to maintain the car paint? When and how is the maintenance of the exterior of the vehicle to maintain the glory and worth of materials?

Before we know how to maintain the car paint and when, we should first know the types of Paints and coatings used in automotive coatings which are:

1) Normal Painting: This type of paint is using special coloring materials given the sense of color as a result of the reflection of light on the body of the car, and the characteristics of this type of paints property transformation Cretaceous, and this phenomenon has caused extinction luster and damaging layers of paint, especially if left for a long time without a care, and turns to white dim gradually.

2) Civilian Rule Painting: This type of paint is using colored materials plus the fine grains of aluminum, comes a sense of color as a result of the reflection of light on the body of the car covered with materials and colorful aluminum atoms, and is characterized by the kind of paint that covered with a layer of special material protects the paint theme of atmospheric effects and prevent the occurrence of the phenomenon of transformation Cretaceous, and these materials known in the workshops paint and varnish.

3) Pearl Painting: It is characterized by the kind of paint that covered with a layer of titanium oxide layer of mica natural, and the effect of the sense of color caused by the reflection of light on the layers of mica, and the most important advantages of this type that retains its splendor for a longer period, and has the same properties of high Paints Almitalk.

But is it necessary to cover the surface of the car with different paints?

The primary objective of covering the car with paints not only give aesthetic appeal, but to protect the car body from dust adhesion it, and impact resistance of the water and impurities that lead to rust and corrosion body of the car.

As for the periodic maintenance of the external surfaces of the cars must follow some important steps to maintain the car paint and make a new glamorous:

1) Daily cleaning of moisture, dust particles and metal atoms that stick daily on the car body during use, so you must clear the body of the car by a day of soft fabric cloth to remove dust, then leave the car always in a well ventilated place.

2) You’ve to wash the car periodically, it is difficult to remove dirt, such as “bird droppings and Nada trees and the remnants of foods” and other, which attach themselves to the body of the car if left for a long time because they may occur chemical reaction with the paint the car, causing the extinction gloss or spots may lead to distortions and erosion in the outer layer of paint with exposed steel car body.

So attention must be paid regarding washing the car, taking into account the following points:

n  Washing the car body with fully sufficient quantity of water by hose Normal, then wait for an appropriate period even decomposes dirt stuck on the body of the car.


n  Prohibiting the use of automatic washing brushes and a private car with dark colors, especially Almitalk what might result from scratches minutes in the paint.


n  Prefer to start washing the car from top to bottom.


n  You’ve to wash the water effects in one direction so as not to cause marks on the body of the car.


n  Preferably use special cleaning agents drive with no use of regular soap because it contains chemicals.


n  Beware of the use of diesel or gasoline in the cleaning, because that leads to erosion of all rubber parts for the car.


n  Cover with wax, Wax from materials which are resistant to the phenomenon of transformation Cretaceous, and protects the body of the car from the impact of moisture and increases the difficulty of sticking objects on the body of the car, so the coverage of the car with a layer of wax of the important things to keep the paint of the car, but when you use the wax must take into account specifications written on the wax layer in terms of the method of use and the period of time that must be re-wax coating then again, in addition to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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