Tips for driving in the dark conditions

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The global statistics indicate that incidents of cars while driving at night are more dangerous than driving during the day and this is due to several reasons, including:

1) Poor visibility during the night.

2) The lack of precision in determining distances due to the poor visibility.

3) The high speed of some drivers that think the traffic is low.

4) The use of strobe lights.

Perhaps the last reason is the most serious one because the rest of the reasons could be solved easily so we must take care of this reason and know why and how to treat it. The high lights during the nighttime dazzle the other road users coming in the opposite direction, leading to a lack of vision in front of them and this leads naturally to huge incidents. This reason is more dangerous when roads are wet because they reflect the light like a mirror or camera’s flash which causes blurring in the eyes of those coming in the opposite direction. Therefore, the driver should use the appropriate lights to allow others to see the road in addition to decrease the speed and be committed to driving on the right side of the road.

When driving at night, the driver should take into account the following tips:

1) You should turn on the front lamps and rear lamps in addition to the metal plate’s light during driving the car or standing in the road between sunset and sunrise time. If you stopped the car at night in places not illuminated, you must turn on the front light with the rear red light.

2) It is not recommended to use of high headlights inside the cities where you should use them only outside the city and you should use it when there is not any car in the opposite direction.

3) It is very dangerous to drive your car with one headlight at night because this provides illusion to other drivers in the opposite direction where most drivers will think that it is a motorcycle not a car. This could cause many accidents easily because the drivers measure the distances between cars by using the headlights.

4) Most drivers ignore the other drivers and leave the high lights on; this is not right and may cause very serious accidents quickly so please make sure to turn off the high lights when there is a car in the opposite direction.

5) You must use the light inverter to turn on and off the lights when approaching the intersection of roads in order to alert other cars.

6) If you are driving at the night behind another car, you should use the low light.


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