Tips and advices to be safe in a dust storm

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The United Arab Emirates  lies directly within the Arabian desert. However, Dubai, which is located on the Persian Gulf  coast of the UAE has much of its landscape is highlighted by sandy desert, because the desert has much of the southern parts of the country.
For that reason, the climate of Dubai is a tropical desert climate, with a constant chance of dust storms. In case of storms, there are some actions need to be done to stay safe.

Do not lose focus:
It is the basic tip in order to be able to do all the other ones. Do not panic, because if you do, you will start driving erratically and also lose the control over the car. Search the radio stations for a one that can give you reports about the weather to have an idea about the situation and what could happen and apply the advices from the authorities.

Before the storm:
Before the storm strikes, sometimes it is possible for you to see the dust storm from a distance. In this case, try move off the highway, or pull over immediately. Drive with a speed that is suitable for visibility and then pull over.

Inside the storm:
When the dust storm strikes, it’s highly recommended that you pull off to the side of the road. Do not keep driving. Once you managed to pull off, turn off the lights in order not to make another car follow you which might cause an accident because of the poor visibility.

After the storm:
When the dust  storm is left, do not start driving until you have a space of at least 300 feet that is visible for you. Do not be surprised if there was a heavy rainfall after the storm, so you should drive with a medium speed and be prepared.

Always keep your car prepared:
In a place such Dubai where you can expect dust storms all the time, you should be always  prepared. Make sure to refill the fluid of the windshield and replace the damaged tires.
The first thing to do when is finished is to tap the air filter against the side of the car for a primary and quick cleaning. Change or clean the air filter professionally after the storm. It better for you to change the air filter every time you change the oil of the engine.

Dust storms do not last for a long time, it is a matter of few minutes, but it is enough for serious accidents and a lot of injuries that can be really dangerous. Consequently, knowing what to do is highly important to be safe.

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