Three useful tips for purchasing used cars in UAE

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It is a fact that it is not always possible for a car-lover to purchase a brand new luxury car for herself or himself. Does that mean that he or she should not have the liberty of driving one? This is certainly not the case. An increasingly famous concept is being introduced for such people, known as the purchase of luxury used cars!

Buying second-hand luxury vehicles has recently become the 21st century trend. Car lovers are coming to realize the great benefits of purchasing a second-hand luxury car. However, when the time comes when you have to actually choose a used luxury car which suits of your needs and meets your expectations, things get way too trickier.

There are several important events that we come across in life where we have to make staunch decisions: marriage, change of a job, booking an appointment with the doctor. But none of these can match the far-sightedness needed in looking for a second-hand luxury car!


When it comes to purchasing used cars and affordable Used Car Prices, there are some tips and facts that a car buyer should know. The following tips will help you in being in control of the car-choosing process, enabling you to select the car which is perfect for you.

1)      Should be a minimum two years old

Buying a used vehicle requires smartness. Luxury cars who have been used for a time period of 2 to 5 years are quite safe than other used cars and also look nicer. Secondly, after two years the wholesale price value of a luxury car drops to an average of 50 percent of what it had cost originally. This is the best bargain that you can ever get.

2)      Research the financial rates yourself

People often pay cash when they are purchasing a used luxury car. However, some people do not have such a large amount of cash in hand and they prefer going for auto financing which makes everything way too easier. However, when you are talking about financing, one should avoid joining hands with a dealer for this purpose. The dealer will keep looking for options in which they can make additional money. You will be able to get better financing deals if you look for them yourselves by checking with your bank and searching for unique opportunities over there.

3)      Stay far away from add-ons

Remember to immediately turn down any dealer add-ons. You will have to pay greater price for your used luxury car this way. You can get these add-ons later at a greater reduced price.

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