A third of motorists don’t like driving

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recent research that was carried out by the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) has shown that a third of motorists don’t like driving. The research results might be a bit shocking for some people, but it sounds logical that people use their cars when they need them, not just for the sake of the ride.

Two thirds of 2,229 drivers polled never drive for the sake of it. More surprisingly, a third dislike driving.

Over half of respondents (51%) who said they no longer enjoyed driving laid the blame on the cost of fuel, while 41% complained about congestion.

Although half of respondents do not always feel relaxed while their partner is in the passenger seat, 53% think they are good drivers compared to other motorists—and 45% think they’re very good.

The biggest cause of nervousness was other drivers—followed by bad weather and driving close to lorries.

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, declared that “With congestion and fuel prices it’s easy to understand why many people think driving is a chore. But the UK still has some of the most beautiful roads in the world and if you have the right skills and confidence in your ability driving can be as enjoyable as ever.”

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