Tailgating Causes 73 Accidents and 8 Road Deaths in 1st Quarter of 2017

Deadly Tailgating Incidences Cause 73 Accidents and 8 Deaths in the 1st Quarter of 2017

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Tailgating is a major traffic problem in the UAE and has proved to be deadly in recent times. According to a report by traffic authorities, tailgating in Abu Dhabi caused 8 road deaths in 73 different road accidents across the emirate in the first quarter of 2017.

Traffic authorities have been putting their best efforts to remove this fatal traffic violation from Abu Dhabi, but the reckless behavior of motorists continues to halt their progress. From careless behavior to indifferent psychological problems, tailgaters can commit this dangerous offense due to various reasons.

Also read: Motorists Alert: Reckless Drivers to face Jail Time in the UAE

Tailgating Violations Increase in Abu Dhabi in the First Quarter of 2017

Tailgating violations have increased largely in the UAE in the recent times that has been a worrying sign for authorities. In the first quarter of 2017, a total of 5,150 tailgating violations were recorded in Abu Dhabi alone, which caused 73 accidents and 8 road deaths. This is an alarming sign as this kind of traffic violation can easily be controlled if the motorists realize their responsibility and leave enough space between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead.

According to Thomas Edelmann who is the founder of the RoadSafetyUAE organization, tailgating has been the third most dangerous traffic violation in the UAE after over-speeding and sudden lane change.

Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists of Tailgating

With the alarming increase in the tailgating instances recorded in Abu Dhabi, the traffic authorities have warned motorists to remain careful, or otherwise they will face serious implications. Col. Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Director of Main Roads Department at the Traffic and Patrols Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police warned motorists of tailgating by stating that tailgating is one of the deadliest traffic violations in the UAE. He told that reckless behavior of motorists who tailgate, flash high-beam lights and use loud horns to intimidate other drivers caused the most dangerous road situations in Abu Dhabi.

Reasons behind the Tailgating Behavior of Motorists

Although there can be no justification given for committing a traffic violation, understanding divergent behaviors of motorists bears critical importance to know why they commit a dangerous traffic violation like tailgating.

A psychologist by profession and the head of the Transport Research Laboratory in the UAE, Dr. Britta Lang has analyzed the tailgating behavior of motorists thoroughly and described multiple reasons behind such a behavior. These reasons are listed below:

  • Motorists may tailgate to intimidate the car drivers who are driving too slowly so that they give them the way.
  • Drivers may tailgate because they might be concerned that someone from the other lane might jump into their lane if they leave sufficient space between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead.
  • According to another expert, drivers just overrate their driving skills and tailgate for absolutely no reason. This is an ignorant behavior that puts multiple lives at stake.

Tips to Avoid Tailgating and Driving Safely on the UAE Roads

If motorists intend to avoid hefty penalties over the tailgating violations in the UAE then they must learn how to avoid this serious violation. First of all, motorists must look to develop a mindset that allows them to have a better control over their driving habits and that can only happen if they understand the consequences of a traffic violation such as tailgating.

Listed below could be the important tips to follow to avoid tailgating on the busy roads of Abu Dhabi and across the UAE:

  • Drivers must maintain a gap of three-seconds between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead. This gap must increase to five seconds in bad weather conditions to allow extra time for braking.
  • At speeds of 40 km/h, the ideal distance between two vehicles on the road is 15 meters. As speed doubles, the requirement for distance between two vehicles quadruples. This is something that motorists can keep in their mind as a benchmark for leaving enough distance between vehicles.
  • Thomas Edelmann also advised motorists to consider purchasing vehicles which offer Driver Assist Systems. These include Driver Attention Assist, Lane Departure Warning, Forward Collision Warning, Emergency Brake Assist and Automatic Emergency Braking that can help motorists in avoiding tailgating completely. These Driver Assist features can actually help drivers overcome their habitual reckless driving mistakes and keep them more proactive while driving.

It is time for motorists in the UAE to start cooperating with the authorities and play their part in improving the road safety situation. Avoiding tailgating is essential for motorists as it is one of the deadliest traffic violations in the UAE. Motorists must avoid these dangerous traffic violations also because they will have to face harsher repercussions for committing dangerous violations from July 01, 2017 when the new federal traffic rules will be implemented all over the UAE.

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