How to sustain your car’s battery

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The car’s battery is the most important parts of the car from the moment that engine begins where the battery provides the initial movement system with the current needed to begin its work as well as it provides the lamps and the other electrical loads with what it needs from current during the engine stops or during its spin at low speeds. After the engine starts, the car’s generator which is called “dynamo” takes the part of the battery to supply the ignition group and electrical loads with the necessary current.

The battery condition affected with much care being made in its maintenance and the battery maintenance can be either in its place inside the car or after removing it from the car. For the maintenanceof the battery in its place, you have to test the density of the liquid and you can do that by using a hydrometer device. According to your reads, you canestimatethe condition of the battery by using the following table:



Battery condition




Fully charged

1,265 – 1,290

Not fully charged

1,205 – 1,230


1,110 – 1,165

Also, the maintenance includes testing the pressure between the columns of the battery using a voltmeter and adding the distilled liquidto the battery’s liquid in addition to cleaning the electrodes and wires, and changing the damaged ones.

For the maintenance of the battery after removing it from the car, this includes charging, changing its liquid and changing its polarities when necessary but you have to take into account several factors during the maintenance process:

1) You have to check regularly the level of liquidin the battery.

2) Do not use the regular water in the preparation of the acid so be carefulwith pouring the water on the acid during the preparation process.

3) You should wash the battery at intervals and re-provide it with the acid and charge it. This process will begin by removing the electric circuit from the battery and then remove it from the car. Now, you can begin to dischargeits content of the acid and fill it with the distilled water several times until you the water become free of sediment then fill up the battery with acid again.

4) You should check the generator current because the high or low current could causea big damage to the battery during charging.

5) When you re-install the battery in its place after the charging process, you must make sure that both sides of the battery (positive and negative)are installed and linked very well.



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