Speed Limits to be reduced on Abu Dhabi Roads during Bad Weather Conditions

Speed Limits to be reduced on Abu Dhabi Roads during Bad Weather Conditions

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Abu Dhabi Police has announced that speed limits will be reduced during bad weather conditions to maintain road safety situation in the emirate. This decision has been taken by authorities to ensure the safety of commuters in bad weather conditions such as dust storm, sandstorm, heavy rainfall and thunderstorm. Driving can become extremely challenging in bad weather, mainly due to reduced visibility on roads. It is important for motorists to adopt a defensive driving approach in such conditions to prevent dangerous road accidents.

Speeding should be avoided at all costs as it can prove to have fatal consequences in low visibility conditions. In an effort to minimize the risk of dangerous accidents induced by low visibility on roads, authorities have decided to reduce speed limits whenever visibility decreases below 200 metres or less.

Details of the New Announcement by Abu Dhabi Police

Bad weather has hit the UAE once again as frequent rains, dust storms and sandstorms have been recorded in Abu Dhabi and across the coastal areas of the country. Driving in low visibility conditions has been identified as one of the biggest commuting challenges in bad weather and this is a major reason why authorities have warned motorists against speeding in such conditions. Abu Dhabi Police has announced that from April 7, 2019, speed limit will be cut to 80 Km/h whenever visibility will reduce to 200 metres or below. The reduced speed limits will be posted on the electronic signboards and motorists will also be notified through an SMS.


The Traffic Safety Committee in Abu Dhabi has already approved the new safety scheme to reduce speed limits in low visibility conditions. This initiative is part of the efforts made by traffic authorities to reduce the number of road accidents caused by speeding motorists in the emirate. From installation of advanced radars to catch speeding offenders to revising speed limits on several roads, Abu Dhabi Police has been at the forefront of initiatives taken to curb the menace of over-speeding.

Motorists should remain attentive while driving so that they can take notice of the change in speed limits during bad weather conditions. The speed limits will be changed quickly and displayed on electronic signboards on roads during bad weather conditions. Motorists who violate speeding limits will have to face a heavy fine and other penalties that also include the confiscation of the vehicle.

Penalties for Speeding Violations

During bad weather conditions, motorists will be booked for speeding violations on the basis of the reduced speed limits. It means that motorists cruising over 80 Km/h will be booked for a speeding violation in low visibility conditions.

Speeding is a dangerous traffic violation that should be avoided at all costs as it can cause fatal road accidents. Speeding penalties were revised in the new traffic law that was implemented in the UAE on July 1, 2017. Traffic authorities increased the fines for speeding tremendously in a bid to discourage motorists from committing this dangerous violation.

Motorists are now booked for speeding violations on the basis of an incremental criterion that categorizes the speeding violations according to the speeding committed above the speed limit of a road.

The table given below provides the information about the penalties for speeding violations according to the new traffic law:

Penalties for Speeding Violations

Drive Safely Motorists!

Abu Dhabi traffic authorities have decided to reduce speed limits in bad weather conditions to eliminate the risk of dangerous road accidents. Bad weather has hit the UAE yet again with rains, sandstorms and dust storms recorded in different parts of the emirate during the last few days. The weather forecast of coming days also shows a chance of sandstorms and light rain in Abu Dhabi, which is why motorists should be careful and avoid committing dangerous traffic violations. Motorists should also be considerate of other commuters as they can also experience the same level of difficulty while driving in bad weather. This is how dangerous road situations can be avoided in unfavorable weather conditions.

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