Speed Limit Increased on Several Abu Dhabi Roads

Speed Limit Increased on Several Abu Dhabi Roads

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In a major new development, the speed limit on several Abu Dhabi roads has been increased. The announcement for the change in speed limit was made by Abu Dhabi Police a few days ago through an Instagram post. This is the first amendment in speed limit since the removal of buffer speed limit on Abu Dhabi roads.

The buffer speed limit was removed on August 12, 2018, after an increase in speeding-related road accidents was observed on major highways. Many campaigns were launched ahead of this initiative to make motorists aware of the removal of buffer speed limit. Authorities have now increased the speed limit on several Abu Dhabi roads to maintain highest levels of road safety standards.

Details of the New Initiative by Abu Dhabi Police

The announcement for change in speed limit was made by the Abu Dhabi Traffic Safety Committee (ADCCI) on November 28, 2018. Abu Dhabi Police, in its Instagram post, explained that many important factors were brought into consideration while changing the speed limit.

According to authorities, the amendment in speed limit was approved after a thorough study of traffic accident indicators, engineering characteristics and traffic density of roads. This initiative has been taken in collaboration with many strategic partners including the Department of Transport, Department of Urban Planning and Municipalities.

According to Abu Dhabi Police, the speed limit on several roads has been increased to 140Km/h without any buffer speed limit. This is a long-term initiative that has been taken by the authorities to improve safety standards for motorists according to the best road safety practices followed globally. Abu Dhabi Police has also installed road signs with new speed limit to help motorists identify the maximum speed limit of the road.

Also read: Grace Speed Limit to be removed from all Abu Dhabi Roads

Roads where Speed Limit has been increased

Abu Dhabi Police shared a new post on its Instagram page to make motorists aware of the increase in speed limit. The names of the roads with increased speed limit were also shared to make motorists completely aware about this new development.

The speed limit has been increased on following Abu Dhabi roads:

  • Al Ain-Al Qou’ (E95)
  • Al Ajban-Al Saad Road (E16), from Al Ajban Palace Roundabout to Al Saad
  • Sweihan-Al Hayer Road (E20) from Zayed Military City Roundabout to Truck Road Intersection (E75)
  • Sweihan-Al Hayer Road (E20), from Truck Road Intersection (E75) to Al Hayer

Authorities Advise Motorists to Follow New Speed Limit

Abu Dhabi Police has advised motorists to follow the new speed limit that has been implemented on major Abu Dhabi roads from December 2, 2018. Authorities have urged motorists to play an active part in making Abu Dhabi roads safer by complying with the new speed limit and following other traffic rules. According to authorities, the decision to amend speed limits is always taken after a detailed analysis of different factors that are directly linked with improving the road safety situation.

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بالتعاون مع الشركاء شرطة أبوظبي: تغيير سرعات بعض الطرق بالإمارة اعتباراً من 2 ديسمبر المقبل . . أعلنت لجنة السلامة المرورية في إمارة أبوظبي، عن تعديل السرعات على بعض الطرق بإمارة أبوظبي ،وزيادة السرعة المسموح بها إلى 140 كيلو / ساعة بدون (هامش للسرعات) في إطار جهودها لتحقيق افضل مستويات السلامة على الطرق وذلك اعتباراً من 2 ديسمبر المقبل . وتشمل الطرق المعدل سرعاتها طريق سويحان  الهير E20 من دوار مدينة زايد العسكرية  إلى  تقاطع طريق الشاحنات E75، و من تقاطع طريق الشاحنات E75 إلى منطقة الهير، طريق العجبان الساد E16 من دوار قصر العجبان  إلى منطقة الساد )، طريق العين -القوع E95. وأوضحت شرطة أبوظبي ،أن التعديلات الجديدة تم اعتمادها وفقاً لدراسات ومقارنات معيارية دقيقة لمؤشرات الحوادث المرورية والخصائص الهندسية وكثافة الحركة المرورية على الطرق وصولاً إلى تحقيق أفضل مستويات السلامة المرورية المطبقة عالميا . وذكرت إنها اعتمدت مجموعة من التوصيات والإجراءات الفنية المرتبطة  بتحليل الحوادث المرورية ومراعاة الخصائص الهندسية للطرق المختلفة والأحجام المرورية على تلك الطرق ،والتوصية برفع السرعات التشغيلية على أجزاء تلك الطرق ،مع إجراء التحسينات الهندسية التى من شأنها الحفاظ على مستوى السلامة المرورية وذلك بالتعاون مع الشركاء الاستراتيجيين، دائرة النقل ودائرة التخطيط العمراني والبلديات. وأوضحت أن تعديل السرعات لا يشمل كافة الطرق، وانما بعض الاجزاء منها ، فيما ستظل سرعات الأجزاء الأخرى من تلك الطرق كما هي ، وستعمل شرطة أبوظبي بالتعاون مع الشركاء على توضيح  السرعات المسموح بها على اللوحات المرورية في كل جزء من أجزاء الطريق بحسب السرعة التي تم اعتمادها وفقاً للدراسات المرورية. ودعت شرطة أبوظبي  السائقين إلى الالتزام بالسرعات الجديدة المقررة على تلك الطرق ، بما يسهم في الحفاظ على سلامتهم وسلامة  مستخدمي الطريق الآخرين ،وأكدت تواصل الجهود الهادفة إلى تطبيق أفضل الممارسات بما يسهم في جعل طرقنا أكثر سلامة ضمن أولوية جعل الطرق اكثر أمناً وتماشياً مع توجيهات قيادتنا الرشيدة بتطبيق افضل الممارسات في مجال  السلامة المرورية. @abudhabidot @stscabudhabi @ad_dpm #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني ‎‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolice ‎‏#security_media

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Penalties for Violating Speed Limit

Motorists can face serious penalties for speeding violations as speeding penalties were increased tremendously in the amended traffic law last year. It is important for motorists to be aware of the new speed limit of different roads to avoid making any unintentional speeding violation that can result in hefty penalties.
The table below provides details of the speeding penalties according to the amended traffic law of the UAE:

Traffic Penalties in the UAE for Over speeding

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Reckless Driving Behavior

Drive Safely Motorists!

Driving within the maximum speed limit of a road is one of the most essential road safety practices. Speed limits are set after an extensive study of many important factors while speeding violations can unsettle the entire road safety mechanism. Motorists can easily avoid hefty penalties and dangerous road situations by following speed limits and by adopting a safe driving approach. A sincere effort by all stakeholders can help improve the road safety situation in Abu Dhabi and reduce the risk of fatal road accidents to a bare minimum.

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Disclaimer: Featured image used for illustration purpose only.

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