Speed cameras to be switched back on

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Motorists who like to exceed speed limits in Bristol streets will not be happy to hear the news that speed cameras across the city will be back to service after they were turned off two years ago.

Mayor George Ferguson, the mayor of Bristol, has announced that work will start in 2014 to re-commission the 26 speed and traffic light cameras that lost funding from central government in 2011.

the BBC reported that Ferguson and police commissioner Sue Mountstevens revealed 15 community speed watch schemes, where volunteers monitor speeds with detection equipment.

People are being encouraged to train as volunteers as more 20mph zones are rolled out across Bristol.

Ferguson told the BBC: “While the number of those killed or seriously injured on our roads has reduced recently there are still too many incidents, especially those involving pedestrians and cyclists.

“I have asked officers to start work on preparing speed cameras to be switched back on and boost the number of community speed watch programmes in the city.”

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