Smart Signals to Improve Road Safety in Dubai

Smart Signals to Improve Road Safety in Dubai

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A new initiative for smart signals by traffic authorities in Dubai is all set to improve and add to the road safety for pedestrians and motorists. The sensor-based smart system will be equipped with technology to detect movement of pedestrians and maintain a steady flow of traffic. The new initiative is expected to boost the future road safety targets of traffic authorities in Dubai. The smart system is in its trial run on the Al Saada Street, Dubai.

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Official Statement about the Smart Signals

The new smart signals will maximize the road safety for pedestrians while crossing roads, said Maitha Mohammad Bin Adai, CEO of Traffic Roads Agency of RTA. According to her, the system will be intelligent enough to detect the movement of pedestrians and maintain the flow of traffic in line with it.

She said the new system will give more time to pedestrians to cross the roads safely and will also help motorists in their movements by allowing them extra time when roads are free from pedestrians. In this way, not only the flow of traffic will improve on Dubai roads but the risk of run-over accidents will also be minimized.

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How the New System will be Different to the Existing One

The new smart system for traffic signals will be different to the existing system in a way that it will be more flexible. The existing system doesn’t have any sensory board equipped and is pre-timed. In a way, the existing traffic system allows limited time to both pedestrians and vehicles for their movement.

At times, the wait becomes so frustrating for either of the motorists or pedestrians that it leads to a poor judgment while moving on the road, elevating the risk of a run-over accident. The new smart signals will be equipped with the optical ground system to ensure consistent flow of traffic even in the rush hours by taking the sensory inputs and allowing maximum time to both pedestrians and motorists to move in a safe way.

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What Triggered the Need for Smart Traffic Signals in Dubai

According to a report, 47 of 198 road deaths in 2016 were caused by run-over accidents. The long wait for traffic signals which are pre-timed is the chief cause of frustration and panic among motorists and pedestrians. This is why a system that smartly detects the movements of pedestrians on the road becomes need of the hour for Dubai roads. The trial run of this new initiative is in progress and authorities are planning to install the new signals on a number of roads in Dubai in the coming days.

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Photo Courtesy: RTA Facebook

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