Smart Services by Dubai Police Becoming Popular among Motorists

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Smart services by Dubai Police for accident reporting and getting aware of accidents areas are helping motorists in multiple ways.  Motorists can now have access to the Police Report of a minor accident in a matter of minutes with the smart feature of “Report a Minor Accident” in Dubai Police App. This feature functions very efficiently and delivers results in short period of time helping motorists avail the accident reports from Dubai Police. The other smart service offered by Dubai Police in their app is “Accident Now” service. It saves the motorists from traffic jams. These smart features are becoming popular among the people of Dubai and their use is increasing day by day.

Smart Services by Dubai Police

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Benefits of “Report a Minor Accident” Feature

The smart feature “Report a Minor Accident” saves time and efforts of motorists and delivers them the Police report for an accident in minutes. Motorists need to fill simple details upon which the report gets generated. The significant details to be filled include:

  1. Vehicle Type
  2. Driving License Number
  3. Upload Pictures of the Damaged Car
  4. Name of the Road where Accident Occurred


The best benefit of this smart service is that the Police Report gained by using this feature can be handed over to the Insurance Company of car without any delay making life less troublesome for motorists in Dubai. The Director of Dubai Police’s Smart Services Department, Col Khalid Al Razooqi stated that over 7405 motorists have used the Dubai Police app in first five months of 2016 and a growing interest has been observed among people in the use of features like “Report a Minor Accident App”.

Accident Now Service and its Use

Another effective smart service launched by Dubai Police in their app is the “Accident Now”. Talking about it, Col Khalid Al Razooqi told that it’s a very simple feature that indicates areas of accidents in the city and tells motorists the alternative routes to avoid traffic congestions. In this way motorists can save their time by not getting stuck in the congestions. It will also help avoid more accidents resulting from the traffic jams.

Report accidents through smartphone app in Dubai

Ultimate Aim of the Smart Services by Dubai Police

Dubai Police is making diligent efforts to modernize their working systems to control traffic in Dubai in the most active manner. The objectives of smart services by Dubai Police are to help motorists have easy access to Dubai Police for to get Police reports of minor accidents, to save them from traffic jams and to ultimately narrow down traffic issues in the city.

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Image Courtesy: Dubai Police App

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