Sharjah to Impound Vehicles

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Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Chairman of Sharjah Municipality, has issued an administrative order concerning penalties and fines for deserting vehicles in public areas and on main roads.

According to order No. 44 of 2001, the municipality will give owners of vehicles found parked with negligence a grace period of 48 hours to remove them. The order warns motorists who fail to remove their vehicles within 48 hours from the date of placing warning stickers on them, that the municipality will tug these vehicles to its car pound and keep them there until the owners approach the civic body to claim them back.

The vehicle owners will be charged in this case a fee of Dh200 against the tugging charges, but will exclude them from paying fines if they claim their vehicles within a week from the date of impounding. The order specified a fine of Dh150 for every additional month or part of a month with a maximum of fine of Dh500.

The order stipulates that in case the impounded period lasts for more than six months, the municipality has the right to sell the vehicles in an auction after publishing the details of these cars in two main local newspapers, inviting the owners to approach the municipality within three days from the date on which the advertisement appears. The order will be enforced with immediate effect.

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