Safe Driving Tips for Young Drivers in the UAE

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Young drivers cause the maximum number of road accidents in the UAE according to recent stats and figures revealed by traffic authorities. The alarming rise in the accidents caused by the young drivers in the UAE advocates the fact that driving at a young age without having the required driving confidence is seriously hazardous. Young drivers mostly cause road accidents because they don’t have the required skills to maintain focus while driving and lack the expertise to maneuver in testing circumstances. While you are young, it is always good to develop a defensive driving approach rather than going overboard with an aggressive mindset.

Also read: 6 Bad Habits to Avoid While Driving in the UAE

Stats for Road Accidents Caused by Young Drivers in the UAE

 One of the major reasons for road accidents and road fatalities in the UAE is the careless driving from young drivers. The drivers aged between 18 and 30 were found to be the reason for 44% of the road accidents in the Abu Dhabi in the first four months of 2016. On the other hand, drivers aged between 22 and 30 caused 21 road deaths in Dubai from January to April in 2016.

Globally, the statistics also reveal that young drivers are leading the number of road accidents and consequently the road deaths caused. The road accidents are also the prime reason for deaths among young people aged 15-29 around the world. According to another source, more than 50% of all road accidents have young adults aged 15-44 involved.

Tips for Young Drivers to Drive Safe

Not only in the UAE, but also in other parts of the world, young drivers cause the majority of serious road accidents. It is important to understand that guiding the young adults about the right approach to drive safe is of ultimate importance in terms of road safety. In the UAE, the traffic authorities continue to arrange awareness campaigns to communicate the importance of driving safe among the motorists but the dedicated awareness campaigns for the young drivers is the need of hour considering the increasing number of road accidents caused by them.

There are certain tips which young drivers must follow to drive safe in the UAE and all over the world.

Keep Practicing Even After Acquiring a Driving License

Having acquired a driving license doesn’t mean you are a pro driver now. It is just the beginning of the road and you need to keep sharpening your driving skills. Continue to maintain the focus while driving and never deter from learning the road safety essentials in the initial stages. Keep practicing what you have already learned in your driving lessons and try to become efficient at everything you practice. In this way, the young drivers can learn to stay patient and sustain their composure even in the weirdest of situations.

Avoid Using Mobile Phone while Driving

Using the mobile phone while driving has appeared to be the chief cause of taking attention of young drivers away from the road, hence leading to detrimental consequences. Using mobile phone while driving is a serious offence in the UAE as it puts multiple lives at stake on the road.

Observe Road Rules and Etiquettes

Also read: The Leading Cause of Road Deaths in the UAE Revealed

Follow Traffic Signs

Following traffic signs is virtually as important as driving on a whole. It is because the traffic fines are there to regulate the flow of traffic and any irregularity in this flow can easily disrupt the whole functioning of traffic. A large number of traffic accidents happen because of not following the traffic signs or because of following them in an incorrect way.

6,000 Red signal violations in Sharjah

Avoid Tailgating

Tailgating is another serious offence in the UAE and must be avoided by young drivers. Tailgating refers to leaving no or negligible distance between cars and when you do that, you put yourself and others, in danger of a deadly collision. In order to avoid tailgating, you must always maintain two cars length distance between your car and the car ahead. In this way, even if you have to take a sudden stop, you save your car from hitting the car next to you.

Tailgaters disturb traffic

Don’t Drive in Bad Weather

For young drivers, it is never a good idea to go out driving when the weather is not good. In the UAE especially, where sandstorms hit the region at least twice a year and fog becomes an issue in winters, the young drivers should avoid driving in such extreme conditions. It is better to use public transport on such days as only a confident driver can handle the turbulent driving situations resulting from bad weather. If you cannot avoid driving in bad weather for some reason, you should be cautious and defensive while driving. Be reminded that over-speeding kills and becomes even more detrimental when the weather is harsh.

Reduce speed in Fog- sign

Also read: 7 Tips for Safe Driving in the Fog

Watch out for Reckless Drivers

This is another extremely important aspect of safe driving for young drivers. At times, you don’t only need to focus on your own driving but also need to be aware of what is happening around you. Don’t get carried away at any stage while driving and stay away from reckless drivers. Don’t get inspired from their senseless stunts or over-speeding. Reckless drivers are the cause of most fatal accidents on roads and getting involved with such drivers and over-speeding for no reason can actually lead to severe consequences. You need to always drive within your limits as a young driver and keep all agitations away from your driving focus.

More than 4,000 drivers were fined by RAK police on traffic rules violations

Also read: Road Accidents Decreased in UAE but Careless Drivers still Exist

Always Use Indicators when Changing Lanes

Use of the indicator is essential for all drivers and especially for young drivers because it can prove to be a leeway to compensate for your fidgety driving moves at times. Indicating will alert other drivers which will eventually help you to move safely between different lanes.

Check car indicators

Wear Seat Belts and Learn the Use of Safety Features in your Car

Wearing a seat belt is critical to reducing the risk of a fatal road accident. You can avoid serious head and body injuries in case of a road accident only if you wear the seat belt. Young drivers must always buckle up seat belts to drive safely all the time. Other than the seat belts, there are some other important safety features in modern day cars that must be comprehended and practiced by young drivers to stay safe even in precarious situations. These safety features could be adaptive cruise control, parking assist, forward collision control and more.

Use seat belts

Use Google Maps and Other Navigation Apps

Being a young driver, it is very important to be good at using the Google maps and other such navigation apps. In Dubai, the RTA App for motorists alerts drivers of the traffic congestion and road accidents on specific roads so that they can take alternate routes. As a young driver, you should be willing to take longer routes at times in order to avoid a short route that has a serious traffic jam. You can also use Google Maps for the same purpose. Keeping your calm in a traffic jam situation is always challenging and it takes a little time to get used to off the traffic jams. Other than avoiding traffic jams, apps like Google Maps help you share your locations with family and friends which can be of critical importance especially in emergency situations.

Guide to use Google Maps

Also read: A Motorist’s Guide to Use “Google Maps” like a Pro

Play Your Part in Making the UAE Safe for Commuting in 2017

Young drivers should always have, in the back of their minds, these tips to practice safe driving and eventually play their part in making the UAE roads safe for commuting this year. 2016 was not such a good year for the UAE motorists and one of the major reasons for road accidents was the inexperience of young drivers. In order to make 2017 a better year for road safety in the UAE, the young adults must play their part and drive with a conscious yet sensible approach as explained in the tips mentioned-above. Traffic authorities must also bolster their efforts to aware young drivers of road safety so that 2017 proves to be a safer year for motorists in the UAE.

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