How to ruin your car paint

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Maintaining a perfect condition for your car paint is a daily task. Some regular daily exposures can ruin your paint without even knowing it. Below is part two of the most common daily hazards to your car paint.

Dirty car-washing tools

Unseen dirt in car washing tools can scratch your car’s paint. You need to always have fresh and clean tools.

We all enjoy washing our cars, especially in a sunny nice day, but many commit a common mistake that can cause more damage than we think: dropping the sponge on the ground. Even the finest, most expensive microfiber wash mitt can be ruined if it touches the ground. The bits of dirt and sand it picks up can’t be entirely washed off, which can cause swirl marks and other scratches. The solution is to never drop anything, but since this is bound to happen at some point, it’d be best to keep a spare washing mitt or two on hand to avoid this unwanted effect.

Water from garden sprinklers

Water from garden sprinklers can leave hard-to-remove spots on your paint. You need to keep away from sprinklers whenever possible.

We all like to park our cars right next to the greenery, but if it has automatic sprinklers, this can turn ugly. You wouldn’t think that plain water would be such a problem, but the minerals left behind bond to your car’s paint, making them very difficult to remove. Your best bet is to avoid parking where sprinklers can do their damage, but that’s not always possible. If you do get water spots, it’s best to take it to a professional detailer.

Birds Droppings

Bird poop is acidic; it can cause permanent damage to your car paint. It needs to be washed off right away.

Unfortunately, when you live in a city like Abu Dhabi, you park wherever you find parking. If you end up parking under a tree, you will get a lot of bird poop on your car. Drive straight to an ADNOC station and wash your car. Bird poop is acidic. Just look at the number of ruined marble statues in pigeon-infested cities and you’ll see what we mean. Not only that, but birds eat seeds and bits of gravel that can scratch your paint.

If you don’t have time to drive to ADNOC, use a bottle of quick detail and a soft microfiber cloth to wipe it up. Be sure to use a lifting action, since you don’t want to grind any grit onto your paint.

Bugs stuck to your car while driving

Bug guts are also acidic; they can cause permanent damage to your car paint. Wash your car regularly to get rid of bugs.

Thousands of bugs can get stuck to your car in one day, whether to the windshield or the grill. But just cleaning the windshield isn’t enough. Bugs are surprisingly acidic, and if you do hit a swarm, don’t let the bugs get the last laugh as their remains slowly etch your paint. Wash your car as soon as you can with a good car wash solution, and for the more stubborn guts, use a bug and tar remover.

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