RTA to Spot Parking Fee Violations with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

RTA to Spot Parking Fee Violations with the Help of Artificial Intelligence

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The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in Dubai is known for taking unique initiatives for the well-being and benefit of motorists. Following its tradition to launch smart initiatives to modernize the traffic monitoring system in Dubai, RTA has introduced an Artificial Intelligence (AI) System for the first time to spot vehicles that are parked in public parking zones without paying the parking fee.

This will be a Smart Scan System that will help authorities in monitoring the parking fee violations and make it tough for offenders to avoid hefty penalties. The launch of Artificial Intelligence System to scan parked vehicles is an exceptional initiative that is also a testimony to the endeavor of RTA to introduce state-of-the-art technologies for parking users in Dubai.

How the New Artificial Intelligence System Works?

The new Smart Scan System is designed to inspect public parking areas and makes use of Artificial Intelligence to detect parking fee violations. It identifies vehicles that have been parked in the public parking areas without paying the parking fee, which can land the offender in hot water as it results in serious traffic penalties. The monitoring of this parking violation will become more efficient now with the help of the newly introduced Artificial Intelligence System.

A car will be equipped with the Smart Scan System and deployed in a parking area to monitor vehicles parked without paying their parking fees. The parking inspector will drive the car equipped with the AI System in different parking zones and penalize motorists for not paying the parking fees. With the help of this smart system, the probability of a human error will be completely eliminated.

Also read: RTA Demonstrates its Disabled-Friendly Services In Dubai

Official Statement

Maitha Mohammad Bin Adai, CEO of Traffic and Roads Agency, RTA said that the addition of the new smart system to the traffic monitoring arsenal of RTA bears critical importance as it will help in reducing the parking fee violations. Motorists who don’t pay the parking fees must now be careful as there will be no chance of human error and offenders will not be able to escape the penalties.

She added that the efficiency of the monitoring system and enforcement of traffic fines will receive a boost with the help of the state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence System and it underlines RTA’s commitment to continue its transition to a smart service provider for all transport and parking-related services. RTA plans to digitalize all its services in the near future, which will make life a lot easier for motorists who have access to RTA services through the RTA Smart App.

Also read: Dubai Police Urges Motorists to Report Minor Accidents through Smart App

What Makes the New AI System to Spot Parking Fee Violations Extremely Important?

With e-parking services becoming the preferred choice for motorists to manage their parking-related activities in Dubai, having an intelligent system that could govern the efficiency of these smart services becomes extremely critical.

A variety of RTA’s smart parking services can be availed through the RTA Smart App. The RTA Smart App allows motorists to:

  • Recharge their Salik balance
  • Pay parking fees
  • Find free parking places to park their vehicles

With all these smart services available for motorists, finding parking places, paying parking fees and recharging Salik balance has become stress-free. While RTA has remained focused on improving the scope of its smart services for motorists, it has also continued to improve its monitoring standards so that all RTA services can be regulated efficiently. The AI System to spot parking fee violations is an excellent and timely addition to RTA’s traffic monitoring technologies and will go a long way in improving the scope of parking services for motorists in the future.

Also read: Updated Parking Rules and Fines Announced in Abu Dhabi


RTA is famous for launching innovative initiatives in Dubai that not only validate RTA’s reputation as a modern-day transport authority, but also help a great deal in improving the standard of services provided to motorists. From painting roads in red color to indicate a change in speed limits to launching smart services for licensing and parking, RTA has been on the forefront of introducing latest services for the well-being of motorists. Motorists should now be more careful and avoid parking fee violations that will now be monitored more efficiently in Dubai public parking zones.

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Image Courtesy: RTA

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