Rolls-Royce’s New Fashion-Inspired Wraith is Haute Couture on Wheels

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If one is to list the most comfortable and luxurious cars on the car market over years, a Rolls-Royce must earn a place on that list. It’s among the world’s definition of class, beauty, fashion and comfort among others any car-interested person must own or experience in his/her life time. Though such a package of outstanding qualities come at an expense. These aspects are greatly considered to determine car value for any luxury car in the Dubai car market.

When a new car-model in the family of Rolls-Royce is unveiled to the public, it calls for glasses of champagne to celebrate the beauty of the new fashion-inspired luxury car. It has great silk and silk-like interior materials that are so soft to increase the comfort of the people on board with two-tone sleek exterior body with a rare design never seen in the car history giving it a unique look.

Michelle Lusby, the Rolls-Royce designer points out the extraordinary features on the new inspiration series that are open to new modifications and personal changes a buyer would want to add to the car for their individual desire and benefit. Though last year the highest percentage of the wraith cars were bought without any additional customizations since it fitted most of the public preferences a high-valued car must have.

The North American Rolls-Royce company expects a new inspiration model soon to be released on the market. It is believed to have some improvements in the performance, more fascinating exterior body with a greater comfortable interior. This will give it a higher car price estimate due to those modifications. Although one would dare the company to have a change in the color and lights of the new model from the ordinary ones every Rolls-Royce car has.


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