Road Fatalities Drop by 25% in First 2 Months of 2017 in Abu Dhabi

Road Fatalities Drop by 25% in First 2 Months of 2017 in Abu Dhabi

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The first two months of 2017 bring some good news for the traffic authorities in Abu Dhabi as the authorities observed a significant drop in road fatalities. Road fatalities dropped by 25% when the figures of the first two months of 2017 were compared to those of 2016. The year 2016 was a bad year for road safety as a substantial rise in the road fatalities was recorded as compared to 2015. According to a recent report from the traffic authorities, two people die on the UAE roads every day. This is an alarming count and authorities are making their best efforts to improve the road safety situation in 2017.

Also read: The Leading Cause of Road Deaths in the UAE Revealed

Initiatives Taken to Improve Road Safety in the UAE

The traffic authorities are putting their best efforts constantly in order to maintain the highest levels of safety not only on the Abu Dhabi roads but also everywhere else in the UAE. From launching road safety awareness campaigns to increasing the monitoring of roads by installing new and advanced radars, the traffic authorities have taken some important initiatives to make the roads safer for commuters.

Location of Radars and other Specifications

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Urge Motorists to Avoid Overtaking from the Right

2016 was a Bad Year for Road Safety – Lessons to be learned

There were lessons to be learned for both, the authorities as well as the motorists from year 2016 that saw a decrease in road accidents but a massive increase in road deaths. The number of road deaths in the UAE went up from 675 in 2015 to 725 in 2016, which not only provoked changes in fines and penalties for traffic violations but also was a reason for installation of advanced traffic monitoring radars on the UAE roads. Experts also suggested increased patrolling of the roads by Police in order to make sure that the offenders were punished without any delay.

In addition to the efforts of the authorities, motorists also need to play their part in improving the road safety situation as fatal road accidents all over the UAE were caused by unsafe driving habits of motorists. These unsafe driving habits caused fatalities of pedestrians and other motorists on the road.

Following were the major reasons for fatal road accidents in the UAE:

  • Reckless Driving
  • Poor Lane Changing
  • Tailgating
  • Over-speeding leading to Run-over Accidents
  • Jumping Red Signal
  • Lack of Attention While Driving

There is plenty to learn for the UAE motorists from what was a bad year for road safety in the UAE. While the motorists in Abu Dhabi seem to have improved the overall driving culture which is evident from the decrease in road deaths in first two months of 2017, a collective effort is required from motorists all over the UAE to reduce the fatalities caused by dangerous road accidents.

6,000 Red signal violations in Sharjah

Also read: Experts Ask for More Visibility of Traffic Police on Roads in the UAE

Importance of Car Safety Systems in Modern Day Cars

With factors like driver’s fatigue, stress induced by traffic congestions and distracted driving increasing the probability of a fatal road accident, there are safety systems present in the new and upcoming cars that can help in avoiding dangerous road incidents.

Buckling up seatbelts is the most fundamental and a common safety measure to adopt while driving. There are also some advanced car safety systems which can make driving lot safer:

Different car safety systems might be offered as standard or as add-ons in new cars and the presence of these important safety features must be checked while buying a new car. A car equipped with state-of-the-art safety features is less susceptible to a fatal road accident than a car without these features.

safety feature adaptive cruise control

Looking to buy a new car with better safety features? Don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by’s team.

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