Road Accidents Decreased in UAE but Careless Drivers still Exist

Road accidents in UAE declined, but irresponsible drivers still cause harm to others by not following laws

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The year 2015 saw a slight decrease in the number of road accidents in UAE from last year. But many absurd drivers still remained busy in destroying the peace of traffic and put multiple lives in danger. In UAE, Police and Traffic Authorities are making a continuous effort to make people aware of the dangers associated with rash driving, over speeding, pointless lane shifting and crossing the red lights. The dangers are big and lead to disastrous consequences on most of the occasions. Road Accidents have been the main cause of fatalities in UAE in recent times.

World Health Organization Statistics

According to the World Health Organization figures, almost 3000 people die in road accidents every day all over the world. The number of people dying in the accidents is the most for the Middle East and North African regions. The World Health organization also shed light on the fact that the number of people dying in UAE due to road accidents was seven times more than the people of UK. Children deaths in UAE were also mainly subjected to the road accidents.

2015 Records for Road Accidents in UAE

According to the Ministry of Health, the number of road accidents and causalities caused by accidents decreased in the year 2015. A decrease of 2.2% in traffic accidents was observed in 2015 from 2014. The death count also decreased by 5.2% and the injuries decreased up to 3.4%. A total of 4788 accidents were recorded which led to 675 deaths and 6263 injuries. While accident damaged car sale also has been noticed in UAE as well.

Reason for the Road Accidents in 2015

The accidents in last years happened due to various reasons and their detail is listed below:

  • Sudden Lane Change led to 919 accidents
  • 623 accidents took place due to less distance between vehicles
  • 556 accidents were caused by poor judgment
  • 499 accidents occurred because of Distracted Driving
  • Bad Road Sense (not observing if the road is clear and putting the car on road) led to 388 accidents
  • Over Speeding caused 281 accidents
  • 1173 accidents were recorded as miscellaneous

Director General of Traffic Coordination at Interior Ministry Brigadier Ghaith Hassan Al Zaabi stated that the most number of accidents were caused reckless swerving and nonsense lane change. These accidents accounted for 1384 injuries. He also added that it is very important for various departments, societal segments and institutions to collaborate with the Traffic Authorities to improve the state of traffic regulations in the country and avoid deadly road accidents.

Read also; Drive through for accident report in Dubai

Importance of Seat Belts

In the case of the serious road accidents, seat belts usually are the ultimate savior. Dr. Ahmed Al Khatib of Universal Hospital was of the view that it was parent’s responsibility to push their children to wear seat belts. He told that according to an estimate, over 95% of the road accidents sufferers who wore the seat belts got fewer injuries as compared to those who did not wear them. The chances of severe head and face injuries minimize when you wear the seat belts.

Public Perception about the Road Accidents

The common perception among the masses in UAE is that it’s the young drivers who create the mess in traffic and cause most of the accidents. They believe, the young drivers lose their senses in a traffic rush and over speeding by them in tricky conditions leads to really harmful results. With that, most of the segments of public also seemed annoyed with the irresponsible drivers and their bad lane changing behaviors which disturb the whole traffic flow and caused fatal accidents.

The public point of view is largely supported by the accident records of 2015. In 2015, 47% of the accidents were caused by people aged between 18 to 30 and people in the age range of 30-35 caused 35% of the accidents. The traffic authorities and government are making their optimal efforts to make young people more responsible while driving by implementing heavy penalties for violations and arranging awareness campaigns. But the responsibility remains heavily on the individuals to feel their duty and help to diminish the road accidents dilemma from the country.

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