Risky Door Handle Glitch In Ford Explorer

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Virtually all automobile manufacturers make their cars with all paraphernalia in the safety department but sometimes there are instances when mistakes are made and find their way into the hands of the final consumer. These can be costly to the consumer in terms of their personal safety and repairs and to the manufacturer in terms of costs of recalls, potential fines from safety regulators and class action suits.

Renowned American automobile manufacturer Ford Motor Company has faced the problem in the form of a door handle fault that could potentially thrust the life of the occupants in way of harm. A close car evaluation by the folks in Dearborn found that the spring that controls the interior door handles may prevent the door from latching completely, which could result in the door opening in a side-impact crash.

Ford has issued over three recalls due to this problem in a space of only a year. 213,000 units of the Ford Explorer have been recalled to fix the issue and restore the confidence of the recipient side of the automotive sale industry. Ford hopes successful fixing of the fault could deter its loyal faithful from initiating a car search for other brands and their models.

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