Rise in Road Deaths in Abu Dhabi leads to Dropping Discounts on Traffic Fines

discounts on traffic fines

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Police in Abu Dhabi has planned to drop the automatic 50% traffic fine discount as the number of deaths in road accidents sees a rise of 42% in the first quarter of 2016. A proposal has been forwarded to the Government of Abu Dhabi to lift the discounts on traffic offences which were introduced in 2010. The number of fatalities caused by the road accidents in the first quarter of 2016 has gone up to 77 which are 42% higher than the 54 deaths recorded in the first quarter of 2015. The significant rise in the number of road deaths has pushed the authorities to remove the discounts on the traffic fines so that the motorists can feel more responsibility and fear from the severe penalties for traffic offences.

Official Statement on lifting the discount on Fines

The Director General of Central Operations at Abu Dhabi Police, Brig Hussain Al Harithi stated that all the methods to spread the awareness about the road safety and to control the road accidents seem to be having no effect on the motorists as the number of accidents continues to rise in the city. From the 477 accidents recorded in the first quarter of 2015, the number has escalated to 489 in 2016. The move of lifting the discounts on fines has not been finalized yet but the recommendation has been made to the Government by the Abu Dhabi Traffic Authorities.

Read Also: 100,000 Traffic Violations Recorded for 1st Quarter of 2016 in Abu Dhabi

Major Causes of Increase in Road Accidents

Road accidents are a major worry for not only the traffic authorities in Abu Dhabi but all over the UAE. The irresponsible drivers continue to make serious traffic offences despite being addressed about the importance of road safety multiple times by the authorities.

Following are the major causes of road accidents in Abu Dhabi in the first quarter of 2016:

Reckless Lane Swerving (15%)

  1. Tailgating (13%)
  2. Over Speeding (12%)
  3. Not Staying in the Proper Lane (9%)
  4. Not Stopping at Red Light (3%)

All of these are the major causes of road accidents recorded for the first quarter of 2016. It has also been recorded that most of the road accidents have been caused by the youth. The people aged between 18-33 years were found causing 44% of the road accidents in the first quarter. Other than that, people from Asian countries caused the most 39% of the accidents while the Emiratis were involved in 32% of the road accidents. Traffic Authorities are putting their best efforts to control this alarming situation in Emirates where Road Accidents are causing a large number of deaths. The removal of the discounts on traffic fines is also an attempt to make the motorists more responsible and in a way reduce the road accidents.

Image source: Emirates247

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