Remarkable cars

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Some of us may accept the possibility to ride these cars in the winter, due to the climate warm in the Arab region in general and in the Gulf region in particular, but if you’re in the European tour, for example, it is difficult to find a driving such cars at this time of year, and if I found one of these cars on the road in the winter there, know that the owner either crazy, or he is trying to get sick strongly, namely:

1) Smart Crossblade:


Lovers of smart cars and their owners will attempt to keep their car away from the cold of winter to be sure; more than it would be to keep the car away from the wetness are the owners of smart cars known as Crossblade.


2) Mini Moke:


Mini Moke cars are a little bit like Land Rover and were designed as a military vehicle, which is without windows, and the roof is a canvas only for protection from the sun, and will not have such a car owner the courage to come out in the winter.

3) Radical:


It’s hard to believe that you find someone driving a Radical car in winter, extreme speed and ceiling not found a suicide fast when driving in the winter.

4) Porsche 550 Speedster:


Without a roof and the rain and the great speed, could very well be driving Speedster is the beginning of an unfortunate incident.

5) Renault Twizy:


Without glass windows, or even doors, with the rear-wheel drive and small size, may be Twizy game amusement good time on the ice and rain.

6) Caterham 7:


Caterham 7 cars known as the best car in the handling, known for speed and quality in everything, except folding roof, which does not work and never in the time of need him.

7) Morgan 3-Wheeler:


Cars are only three frames, without a roof or windshield, on the ice and only three wheels, easy to spin and turn this car.

8) Volkswagen Beetle:


Because of intense heat that may come out of the legendary VW car, the Beetle may be exposed to a big problem on the ice.

9) Any Italian car from the seventies:


While the compounds mentioned above is not suitable for the climate and winter weather, Italian cars in the seventies of the last century, its problem is different, it is stably Well on the road, but when exposed to frost and water, you may find that your car has lost nearly 50% of its mass as a result of oxidation of the metal.






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