The reasons for the growing heat of the car

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Some of the increasing heat problems in the cars are not associated with the cooling system at all. Among these problems are the lacks of oil or the presence of not-blown collar head or problems in the transmission speed system. If the cooling system seems to be in good condition after you examined it and you did the usual maintenance work, please try to check if the following reasons are existing or not existing.

1) Late ignition timing:

If you didn’t not set the engine ignition timing engine for a while, the late ignition timing may makes the engine increasingly heated by making specific parts in the car ignite the mixture of fuel / air and when these parts ignite too late that not allowing all gases to be burned properly, this will put more overheating burdens on the cooling system.

2) Clogged radiator:

Some radiator devices clogged due to the presence of rust or small insects where cleaning and washing will not work with them. Since the clogged channels limit the efficiency of liquid cycle in the cooling system, the system cannot work properly. Treatment of this problem is the use of specialist in radiator’s equipments to unzip the device and clean it with steam.

3) Un-tight fan belt:

Check the fan belt or the additional belts that run the water pump to make sure they are tight very well and there is no more than a half-inch to be unfolded well where if the belt was un-tight more than that, it may not work on recycling the pump well and could impedes the water circulation plus increasing the heat of cooling system. If the fan belt seems quite fragile, then replace it immediately.

4) Not extended lower radiator hose:

Sometimes the lower radiator hose may be collapses due to a dislocation caused by the water pump which leads to the obstruction of liquid cycle and increase the car’s heat. Try to put the car in a safe place and open the hood without stopping the motor, then take a look to the lower hose and see whether the hose is collapsed or extended. If it was collapsed, replace it.

5) Low level of oil:

If you did not recognize until now the reason for your car’s overheating, check the measuring stick of oil level where any car with low oil level tends to increase the temperature of the oil because the oil removes from 75% to 80 % of the heat from the car’s engine.


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