Quick tips for busy ladies

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As the concept of men as providers of the house is changing, in addition to the fact that Dubai has a large number of western women who influenced the mentality of the Arab women there, the role of women as an essential part of the society is increasing.
The new roles of women as working and rising to the roles of positions is putting more load on the side of them.
For that reason, and as we understand the busy life in Dubai, here are some tips and advises for busy ladies to help them in the maintenance and their safety inside their cars.
1-Let’s start with the tips related to the tire: If you were driving and suddenly your tire had a blowout, the most important thing is not to step on the brakes because that may cause the car to swerve into the direction of the blowout. What you have to do is just to use the brakes but very gently to take back the control of the car and try to get it to the side of the road.
2- You need to take care of the battery of the car. If your battery failed , you can’t move an inch, and this can happen in the worst times and places
3- The brakes have to be functioning perfectly all the time. You can ask an expert for a full check.
4- You need to have the windshield wipers ready all the time in case you need them. Because without them you will have poor visibility like in the raining or stormy weather.
5- Not only it is important to see the road and other drivers, but also it highly important to be visible to the other drivers. You have to use the headlamps properly to avoid car accidents especially in the dark.
6- You have to give your car the clean and proper food, by this we mean that you have to change the oil and filter as it’s recommended in the owner’s manual. In this way, you extend the engine’s life and be safe from internal damages to your car.
7- Always check the belt or the hose of the engine, because a broken belt or a torn hose will damage the engine and this will cost you a lot
These tips are very helpful to extend the life of your vehicle and to avoid many disturbing situation that you may encounter on your way to work or when driving to pick up the kids from school.

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