Production of the Mitsubishi Galant Halted

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In this era of environmental consciousness, many automobiles are being given a car rating that weighs heavily on their carbon footprint in the surrounding. And true to their habit of giving the customers what they want, many car makers are making more environmentally friendly automobiles so as to hang on to their customers as well as the added benefit of protecting mother earth.

In order to solidify its footing in the car market and increase the number of automotive sale, Mitsubishi decided to bring to a halt the production of three models – among which the Galant is a part – whose sales had stagnated and were not performing as well as the manufacturer would have wanted.  The Galant and its other larger fellows have been sidelined by the parent company as it turns to focus on smaller compact cars that can be successfully exported to other markets like China.

Mitsubishi has decided to focus on electric cars as well as hybrids to minimize the cost it would otherwise spend on clean diesel technology or exhaust clean up systems. This has rendered the Galant a surplus to requirements and as such production has been shut down.

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