Oil May Leak in the Mercedes-Benz Vito

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Functionality is one of the things that make an automobile what it is especially in the car market. When one is on a car search, one of the things that makes a car ideal is if it is capable of doing what the soon to be owner requires of it.

The Mercedes-Benz Vito was therefore a darling to those in need of a roomy vehicle that would mostly be for commercial purposes but not be an eyesore on the streets. Mercedes really came through on this one.

Like all fairy tales, there does always seem to be a bump along the road. This came in the form of a minor recall in 2008 whereby a few units were found to have dysfunctional electronics. This was easily sorted.

The major recall was in 2014 when 5,259 units of the Vito were recalled due to a possible oil leak. The diesel engines of some of the units had an O ring that may not have been produced to specification. This allowed the oil to leak thereby contaminating the surroundings and also created a great chance of engine damage if copious amounts of the oil were lost.

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