Obtaining a Drivers License in Abu Dhabi

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Anyone operating a vehicle in Abu Dhabi is expected to have a valid driver’s license, or face risking serious charges and fines.  The process for obtaining one, however is generally not difficult and varies depending on certain factors.  Information for getting a driver’s license in Abu Dhabi can be found at abudhabi.ae, but is summarized below.

Any short-term visitor to Abu Dhabi is permitted to drive a rental car as long as they have a valid driver’s license that was issued by their original country and an international driver’s license.

Expatriates who plan to drive in Abu Dhabi are required to obtain a valid local driver’s license, but this process is not difficult.  As long as they have a valid license from their original country (there are exceptions, but most common expatriate nations are provided for), these drivers do not need to pass a driving test to get a new license.  They do, however, have to prove valid residency in Abu Dhabi, pass an eye test, and pay the required fees for obtaining a license.

UAE citizens from other emirates are allowed to use their existing license, but if they wish to file for a new one in Abu Dhabi, they must then go through the process of getting a no-objection letter from their host Emirate and also pass an eye test.

The process is a bit more complicated for new drivers who currently live in Abu Dhabi.  First, the person must visit the Abu Dhabi Police Department and go to the Driver’s License department.  They must then present personal information and proof of identity and a no-objection letter from a sponsor.  Fees to process the application must be paid, and then the person will be issued a training permit.  Training must be undertaken at the Emirates Driving Company and the person must pass a written driving exam.  Then, a physical driving test can be taken, and if passed, the person can then apply for a full Abu Dhabi driver’s license.

Once a person has a valid Abu Dhabi driver’s license, the renewal process is relatively simple.  The person must take a recent photo, their old driver’s license, proof of Emirates residence, and (if driving for a company or operating heavy equipment, letters from their employer).  The person must then pass an eye test and must simply pay the fee for a new license.

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