The new technologies of cars and their risks

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Despite that the driving currently takes the full attention of the car’s driver but the critics warn from some concerns related to safety where some companies did not make at least a further progress in the production of self-driving cars. About 25 percent of traffic accidents in the United States are caused by the use of cell phones while driving according to the National Council for Transport Safety. John Ellis, an expert in technology services and solutions related to the internet connections in Ford Company said: “the danger is related to safety” during some discussions in the Consumer Electronics Show 2014.

He added: “most consumers are looking for the best and cheapest price but with the availability of safety where this can be done through the integration of a sensor that calls the emergency ambulance services in the event of any traffic accidents on the roads. According to plans of the European Union, all the cars will be provided with a new system known as “eCall” system by 2015 but the road’s safety is not just what irks the efforts of production’s companies where the existence of a data system in the cars makes them vulnerable to penetration technically from any person”.

Some security advisors confirmed this breakthrough after they were able to open the door of a car and turning on its engine without touching the key or the car itself by intercepting radio messages between the car and the network. Some analysts believe that the danger is small because of the time spent from companies in the process of insurance and securing the car from any failure. John Leach from the “KPMG” company said: “theoretically, it is possible that anyone can break the data while the cars’ companies keenly aware of this danger and prepare well to face it”. He added: “the cars that have the potential to connect to the internet will be designed in an appropriate manner to ensure the prevention of such intrusion. For example, Ford Motor Company is working to isolate the new applications in vehicles from any important parts inside the car which makes the penetration impossible between the two parts”.

Up to this moment, there is still a system that works independently of “Android” or “IOS” operating systems used in cell phones where the operating systems that depend on “Android” are produced by one of the companies that work with “BMW” company which enable most of the systems in cars to contact these devices.


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