New Stats about Vehicle Ownership and Traffic Congestion Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

New Stats about Vehicle Ownership and Traffic Congestion Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

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Abu Dhabi Police has released new stats about vehicle ownership and traffic congestion in the country. According to these stats, the overall road safety situation has improved in the UAE over the last two years, however, traffic congestion is still a cause for concern for traffic authorities. These stats show how the increasing number of vehicles in the UAE has caused an increase in traffic congestion across the country over the last few years.

Also read: Road Safety Stats for the First Four Months of 2018 Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

Important Stats Released by Abu Dhabi Police

The increasing number of vehicles on the UAE roads is one of the major reasons behind traffic congestion according to the newly released traffic stats by Abu Dhabi Police. Reckless driving behavior of motorists has also been identified as a reason behind traffic jams reported across the country.

Listed below are the important stats about vehicle ownership and traffic congestion in the UAE:

  • The resident to car ratio in Abu Dhabi and Dubai is 2:1, which means there is one vehicle available for two residents in these emirates.
  • According to the figures of the Global Status Report on Road Safety, in 2016, there were 102,779 buses, 237,427 heavy trucks and 54,581 motorists in the UAE.
  • The UAE has achieved the highest rating of 10 for the enforcement of traffic regulations such as safe road usage and use of seatbelts and helmets.
  • In 2017, motorists in Dubai spent 29 hours in traffic congestion followed by motorists in Fujairah who spent 22 hours. Motorists in Abu Dhabi spent 13 hours while in Al Ain, motorists spent 12 hours in traffic congestion during the same period.

These are important stats that clearly highlight how the increasing number of vehicles in the UAE has been deteriorating the smooth flow of traffic. The new stats have also highlighted that the enforcement of rules and regulations by traffic authorities in the UAE has been the best amongst regional countries. Authorities have been able to achieve these positive results by upgrading their traffic monitoring arsenal and by increasing patrolling of roads.

The resident to car ratio in Abu Dhabi and Dubai is 2:1

Also read: Abu Dhabi Police Warns Motorists against Violating Pedestrian Safety Rules

How Traffic Congestion can be reduced?

The diverse traffic culture of the UAE is one of the major reasons behind a number of traffic problems of the country. Expats constitute almost 80% of the UAE’s population and as they find it tough to quickly adapt to the driving conditions and traffic rules of the UAE, it affects the smooth flow of traffic on the UAE roads.

Most of the time, traffic congestion occurs due to easily avoidable driving mistakes committed by motorists. Tailgating, sudden swerving, over-speeding and not allowing the right of way to emergency vehicles are amongst the major reasons behind traffic congestion reported across the UAE. Traffic congestion can be easily avoided if motorists adopt a careful driving approach and obey traffic rules.

Traffic congestion can also be avoided by planning one’s route to a particular destination proactively. This can be possible by taking navigational help from Google Maps that can show the current areas with heavy traffic. Taking alternative routes or waiting for the traffic to become normal in those areas can help avoid traffic congestion.

Frequent use of public transport can also be helpful in avoiding frustrating traffic jams. The public transport system of the UAE is one of the finest and most advanced in the world, which makes commuting a stress-free experience. The UAE traffic authorities are also making efforts to promote the culture of using public transport amongst residents of the UAE in a bid to reduce traffic congestion.


The newly released traffic stats by Abu Dhabi Police clearly highlight the need for adopting ways to reduce traffic congestion in the country. Traffic congestion can induce frustration amongst motorists due to which they can commit dangerous driving mistakes. Authorities have urged motorists to use public transport and minimize the use of their private vehicles and have recognized it as a long-term solution for reducing traffic congestion. The UAE’s government has set the target of reducing road deaths to 3 deaths per 100,000 population by 2021 and it can only be achieved through the mutual effort of motorists and traffic authorities.

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