New Smart System to Detect Tailgating Drivers in the UAE


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A new Smart System will soon be activated in the UAE to catch tailgating drivers. Tailgating is one of the most dangerous traffic violations in the UAE and traffic authorities have now decided to take a tougher stance against tailgating drivers. Tailgating refers to not leaving enough distance from the vehicle in front, which can potentially cause a fatal road accident.

In heavy traffic, tailgating drivers pose a serious threat to the safety of other commuters as they can cause a collision involving multiple vehicles. Tailgating drivers usually commit this dangerous violation due to their distracted driving behavior, which is another major traffic violation in the UAE. Using mobile phone while driving or getting involved in any other activity can take driver’s attention away from the road and can increase the risk of committing dangerous violations such as tailgating.

After a significant increase observed in tailgating-related incidents, the traffic authorities in the UAE have decided to take strong actions against tailgaters. This involves setting up a new Smart System that will help authorities in catching tailgaters with the help of advanced traffic monitoring devices. The authorities have also reminded motorists of the penalties for tailgating and warned them against committing this dangerous violation.

Official Statement

The Abu Dhabi Police has released a statement that tailgating drivers will now be caught with the help of a new Smart System and fixed radars. This Smart System will be activated in the UAE on January 15, 2020 and authorities have planned to launch a campaign to make motorists aware of this new development.

Brigadier Mohammed Dhahi Al Humairi, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate at the Central Operations Sector of Abu Dhabi Police said that Police will launch an awareness campaign and motorists will be informed about the new Smart System through text messages.

He mentioned that the messages will include a reminder on the importance of leaving enough distance between vehicles. These messages will be sent in five different languages through the mainstream media and social media accounts of Abu Dhabi Police.

Authorities have warned motorists against tailgating as this dangerous violation can cause serious road accidents in heavy traffic. Authorities have also warned motorists of hefty fines and penalties for repeating this violation on the UAE roads. This new initiative has been taken to eliminate the risk of dangerous road accidents caused by the negative or distracted approach of motorists.

Penalties for Tailgating in the UAE

According to the Abu Dhabi Police, they will apply section 52 of the traffic control rules and procedures No. 178 for 2017 to drivers who get caught for tailgating. The penalties for tailgating include a hefty fine of AED 400 and four black points. However, motorists must remember that they can be booked for multiple violations at the same time if they drive in a reckless manner on the UAE roads. Not leaving a safe distance between vehicles can endanger the safety of other commuters, and motorists can face serious penalties for putting the lives of other commuters at a risk.

Motorists can also be booked for various other violations such as distracted driving, over-speeding and sudden swerving. These violations can be easily tracked with the help of advanced traffic monitoring systems. Authorities have issued a strict warning against motorists and have advised them to avoid traffic violations that can prove to have dangerous consequences.


Traffic authorities in the UAE have taken a tougher stance against tailgating drivers. A new Smart System will be made operational in the UAE from January 15, 2019, after which motorists will be penalized more effectively for not leaving enough distance between vehicles. Authorities have taken this new initiative to improve the state of road safety in the UAE, which has been clearly at risk due to the reckless driving behavior of motorists.

The new and advanced Smart System will help improve the monitoring capabilities of authorities and make it almost impossible for motorists to get away with committing a tailgating violation. Motorists must now be more careful and avoid tailgating at all costs to prevent hefty fines and other penalties.

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