New Service to Help Motorists Find Parking Spaces

Bosch to bring easy parking solutions for motorists by introducing new parking service

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Finding the space to park a car at times becomes a serious headache for motorists. Roads these days are overpopulated by vehicles and in the result, the parking spots also remain occupied. Robert Bosch GmbH, an Engineering and Electronics Company, has planned to launch a service that would ease out the worries of finding the parking spaces for motorists.

How the New Service will Work

As per the reports, the new service for finding parking spaces will be an open service community-based platform that will gather the information about parking slots and interpret them on to a shared digital parking map through a navigation system. Dr. Dirk Hoheisel, member Board of Management at Robert Bosch GmbH, explained that the system will permit the cars to monitor and report the free parking spaces identified by them. This information will then be shared with other commuters on the parking map to help them find the parking space. He told that almost one-third of the vehicles these days carry the Park Assist Function. Bosch will formulate a system that would take the ultrasonic sensors of these assistants and program them in a way to detect the empty parking spots.

Expected Launch of the Service

The new service that would play a major role in reducing the frustration of the drivers to find parking spaces is expected to be launched in 2018.

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Impact of the New Parking Service

The impact is surely going to be big. Dr. Dirk Hoheisel stated that it is not only time-consuming but also stressful for the motorists to find parking spaces and the new service will surely make it easier for them. Other than being good to save some quality time, the new service will also feature a sustainable role in improving the environment of cities.

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