New Rules for Standardizing Child Car Safety Seats Implemented in the UAE

New Rules for Standardizing Child Car Safety Seats Implemented in the UAE

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The new traffic law was implemented in the UAE last year and many changes were made to the traffic law in order to improve the road safety situation in the country. One of the highlights of the major reforms introduced in the new traffic law was the cabinet approval on the new child safety policy that attributed to standardizing the protocols for the installation of child safety seats in cars.

The cabinet issued resolution No. 27 of 2017 and approved the new child safety seat rules, which have now been implemented across the UAE. The new rules emphasize obtaining the approval of Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology (ESMA) for selling child safety restraints in cars and only those companies will be approved that will meet the standard requirements in line with the new rules.

Details of the New Rules for Child Safety Seats

The new rules for standardization of child safety seats have now been implemented in the UAE and all manufacturers have to comply with the new rules in order to sell their child restraint products. The manufacturers have to acquire a conformity certificate from ESMA for selling their products in the market and any violation of the new rules will be penalized heavily by the authorities.

The aim of the new policy is to increase the safety of children travelling in a car by ensuring that only the safest child restraint products for vehicles are sold in the market. Companies will be required to provide all the necessary documents and information about their products to show their compatibility and conformity with the requirements that have been finalized by the UAE cabinet.

Also read: The UAE Cabinet Approves Policy on Car Safety Seats for Children

Why the New Rules on Standardizing Child Safety Seats Bear Significance?

The new rules to standardize child safety seats bear immense significance as child safety is expected to improve a great deal if all the standard safety protocols for manufacturing child safety restraints are ensured. The child safety seat manufacturing companies will be legally bound to verify the compatibility of their products as per the new standards in order to obtain a conformity certificate from ESMA.

In event of a dangerous road accident, the risk of a child being thrown out of a vehicle increases considerably if the child safety restraint installed in a vehicle doesn’t meet the required safety standards. The awareness about child safety seats is critical not only amongst the manufacturers, but also amongst the motorists who have neglected the importance of child safety seats for so many years. The new initiative to standardize the child safety seats in cars will contribute towards installing safest child restraint products for the maximum safety of children travelling in a car.

Also read: New Survey Reveals Why Motorists in the UAE don’t Use Child Safety Seats

Official Statement on the Implementation of New Rules

Abdullah Al Maeeni, Director General of (ESMA), said that ESMA has started awareness campaigns that aim at manufacturers of child restraint products. He said making the companies aware of the new rules is important in order to urge them to comply with the new protocols that have been implemented to improve child safety in vehicles. ESMA will also launch monitoring programs and surveys to keep an eye on the child restraint products sold in the market and to help companies understand the legal requirements that they need to meet to sell their products in the UAE.

Awareness Campaign Launched to Make Manufacturers Aware of the New Rules

The new rules for child safety seats have been implemented in the UAE ahead of the Gulf Traffic Week, which will be celebrated in the UAE on coming Sunday. The timing for the implementation of new child safety rules could not have been more perfect than this as the Gulf Traffic Week is celebrated to acknowledge the efforts of traffic authorities in improving the traffic monitoring standards and road safety situation across the region.

ESMA has launched new awareness campaigns to build an understanding of the new rules amongst the manufacturing companies of the child restraint products in the UAE.

Also read: Your Child’s Safety Depends on Your Choice of a Car Seat

Awareness Campaigns for Motorists

Awareness campaigns have also been launched for common public and motorists to help improve the understanding and importance of high-quality child safety restraints in their vehicles. One of these campaigns was recently launched in Dubai Festival City that lasted for three days.

A campaign was also launched by the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah to build awareness about the best practices that need to be followed to protect child passengers in a vehicle from severe injuries in the event of a dangerous road accident.

Also read: New Traffic Rule Amendments in the UAE – Everything You Need to Know


With the implementation of new rules for standardization of the child safety restraints in vehicles, authorities aim to ensure zero road deaths for child passengers in vehicles. It is now important for the child safety restraint manufacturers to cooperate with authorities so that the standards for child safety seats in vehicles can be effectively improved according to the new rules. Motorists in the UAE will also have to play their part by only opting for child safety seats that fully comply with the new rules implemented in the country.

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