A New Road Safety Campaign Launched by Abu Dhabi Police

A New Road Safety Campaign Launched by Abu Dhabi Police

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Abu Dhabi Police has launched a new road safety campaign to discourage motorists from committing dangerous driving mistakes in heavy traffic. Under the new road safety campaign, the Abu Dhabi Police has released a CCTV footage of dangerous road accidents recorded on Abu Dhabi roads to highlight how a poor driving decision can cause a catastrophic road accident in heavy traffic. Authorities have also asked the public to participate in the newly launched campaign and share their suggestions with the authorities to improve the road safety situation in Abu Dhabi. Repeat traffic offenders have been warned by authorities of a tougher stance that can be adopted in the near future to discourage motorists from committing dangerous traffic violations such as over-speeding, tailgating and sudden swerving amongst others.

Just recently, traffic authorities and the judicial department took aggressive steps to ensure that repeat offenders are punished quickly. To know more about this initiative, read our blog titled “A Massive Increase Recorded in the Prosecution of Traffic Cases in Abu Dhabi During 2017.”

Details of the New Road Safety Campaign

The new road safety campaign, “Give Your Comment” has been launched in Abu Dhabi with an aim to improve the safety of all commuters. As mentioned earlier, the major objective behind this campaign is to discourage motorists from committing silly driving mistakes that can have fatal consequences in heavy traffic.

Authorities have adopted a unique approach to enhance the communication between the public and Police and find a sustainable solution for the long-standing traffic problems of the emirate. People have been invited to share their opinions about videos of dangerous road accidents being posted on the social media channels of the Abu Dhabi Police. In the light of public opinions and other important considerations, traffic authorities are planning to harshen penalties for most frequently recorded traffic violations on Abu Dhabi roads.

متابعينا كيف ترون مثل هذه السلوكيات والحوادث على الطرق والأسباب التي أدت إلى حدوثها. شاركونا مقترحاتكم ونصائحكم التي تعزز سلامتكم وتقلل مثل هذه الحوادث. Our followers, what do you think about these practices and road accidents and their causes? Share your suggestions which may help us enhance your safety and reduce such accidents. #لكم_التعليق #التواصل_الاجتماعي #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني #Give_comment #social_media ‏‎‏‎‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolice ‏‎‏‎‏#security_media

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It can be clearly seen in this video that motorists failed to leave a safe distance between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead, which caused dangerous road accidents on different occasions in heavy traffic. These road accidents could have been easily avoided by adopting a defensive driving approach, but the errant drivers not only put their own safety at risk but also jeopardized the safety of other motorists. Abu Dhabi Police has asked for public opinions on this video to seek suggestions that can help authorities to improve the road safety situation in the emirate.

Also read: Road Safety Stats for the First Four Months of 2018 Revealed by Abu Dhabi Police

Public Response on the New Campaign

Abu Dhabi Police has received a positive response from the public on the newly launched campaign. Many people posted their comments in response to the videos posted on the social channels of Abu Dhabi Police. While some of the respondents asked to impose stricter penalties on errant drivers, others asked for a permission to install dashboard cameras to record dangerous traffic violations.

Recent Traffic Stats about Road Safety Situation in Abu Dhabi

The firm approach of Abu Dhabi Police to make Abu Dhabi roads safe for all commuters has played a great part in improving the road safety situation over a period of time. According to a recently released report of traffic authorities, road accidents decreased by 11% in 2018 during the first four months of this year in comparison to the same period of 2017. The report also revealed that road deaths decreased by 22% while severe injuries dropped by 14% during the same period, which shows that the road safety situation is gradually improving in Abu Dhabi. However, more than 90,000 traffic violations were still recorded in the first four months of the year, which highlights the importance of urging motorists to follow traffic rules. Authorities have attributed the drop in traffic violations to enhanced patrolling and improved traffic monitoring standards of the Abu Dhabi Police that have helped them nab down traffic offenders more effectively than before.


Motorists have been urged to contribute towards improving the road safety situation in Abu Dhabi under the newly launched, “Give Your Comment” campaign. Motorists must cooperate with authorities by taking part in this campaign and by adopting a defensive driving approach to avoid dangerous road accidents, which can in turn help improve the road safety situation of the emirate.

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