New Regulations Set for Electric Vehicles in the UAE

Electric Vehicles Regulations UAE

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The new regulations have been set by Emirates Authority for Standardization and Meteorology (Esma) for Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the UAE. All imported electric cars will now have to meet the standards set in new regulations which have been formulated almost a month ago and approved by cabinet of the UAE. The arrival of electric vehicles in the UAE has been graciously welcomed not only by the Government but also by people of the UAE. The secret for such a warm reception for electric vehicles lies in the Government’s bid to minimize carbon footprints by replacing conventional vehicles with EVs in order to develop a highly balanced economy.

The Objective of Setting Regulations for EVs in the UAE

The Hybrid vehicles, Electric cars and Electric Buses have been in the UAE for a few years now and most of them can be seen in Dubai. The passion for new innovations and advancements in cars is always there with the Emiratis. This is why the hybrid and electric cars have not taken any time to evolve their market in the UAE. The increasing demand for electric cars has made the Government and concerning authorities think of setting standards which comply with conditions in the UAE. Electric cars are usually imported from the countries which have cooler climatic conditions and the testing of these cars would also have been done for those conditions. Now the most important focus of new regulations for electric vehicles remains on standardizing electric vehicles according to weather conditions in the UAE. It would make sure that electric vehicles entering the UAE will withstand heat, stormy conditions and volumes of dust at times.

Also Read: Top 5 Electric Cars to Buy this Summer in the UAE

Major Contentions of the New Electric Vehicle Regulations

The new regulations for electric vehicles will test these vehicles on basis of UAE’s weather conditions. The other major focus of these regulations will also be on making EVs safe for use in the UAE as they have electric engines and their bursting could lead to massive fire explosions. All these factors have been discussed and Esma in collaboration with GSO have set standards for electric vehicles in the UAE. It is confirmed that the regulations have now been approved by the UAE Cabinet and will be delivered to official manufacturers of electric vehicles in the UAE soon.

Following are highlights of new regulations for electric vehicles in the UAE:

  1. Setting Standards for Batteries of Electric Vehicles to Cope with High Heat and Humidity of the UAE
  2. Keeping the Driver and Passengers Safe from a Sudden Electric Shock
  3. Safety of Batteries to Avoid their Explosion in Excess of Heat
  4. Ensuring Best Safety Measures in Case of Front and Side Impact
  5. Setting Emergency Services Dedicated for Electric Vehicles
  6. Vehicle’s Adaptability to Combat Sand Storms and Heavy Dust

The presence of all these new standards for electric vehicles in the UAE will ensure safe use of these vehicles. It is an important step taken by the authorities to develop essential protocols for safety of these vehicles considering their electric nature. This initiative will further pave the way for electric vehicles to establish a strong market in the UAE and also encourage people to buy them instead of conventional vehicles.

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