New Radars Installed in Dubai to Track Multiple Traffic Violations

New Radars Installed in Dubai to Track Multiple Traffic Violations

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The Dubai Police have moved one step further in improving the traffic situation and installed new radars to catch multiple violations. Serious traffic violations like lane swerving, aggressive driving and jumping the red light will be detected by the new radars. Other than the radars, new cameras have also been set on majority of the busy roads in Dubai to catch offenders as well as the wanted vehicles. The much-needed update to the traffic monitoring system has been made by the Dubai Police in order to maximize the tracking of dangerous violations and catch the reckless drivers.

Also read: New Radar Launched by Dubai Police to Catch Road Shoulder Violations

Number of New Radars and Cameras Installed in Dubai

There have been 30 new radars launched in Dubai to catch lane violations. These devices are well-equipped in a way that they directly send the impulses to the traffic system without any possible human intervention. This certainly will lead to the error-free monitoring of the violations in Dubai and will also cater to the denial of motorists after committing the violations.

Other radars and cameras have also been set in Dubai for various purposes:

The Rasad Project

The Rasad Project by Dubai Police was initiated last year in the wake of which 70 cameras were installed in the Emirate to track stolen and wanted cars by monitoring roads in an effective way. According to the Dubai Police, 61 more cameras will be installed in Dubai till the end of 2017.

New Radars to track Aggressive Drivers

28 New radars have also been set in Dubai to particularly catch the aggressive drivers at intersections. These cameras will track the drivers not stopping at red signal, going above the speed limits and committing lane-changing violations.

Also read: Why the UAE’s Traffic Problem is Getting Worse

How the New Radar System is Better

The new radar system is undoubtedly improved and better than the previous radar system. These new radars, cameras and monitoring system are better in many ways. Some of the updates made to the new radar system are listed below:

  • New radar system is more responsive and advanced.
  • The tracking of violations has improved.
  • New radars now have the capacity to monitor violations from a reasonable distance and record videos of vehicles within 10 minutes.
  • New radars are different to the old radars in a way that the new radars can catch violations like jumping red signal in a more accurate way. Old radars could not have recorded an offence if motorists crossed the yellow light and the system was effective only if the red light violation was made. The new radars, however, will be able to detect vehicles from a distance and track their movements till they reach the signal.
  • The video recording capability of the new radars is an added strength associated with the new radar system. The videos get recorded and sent to the control room without any human intervention, which makes the system transparent and avoids the chance of any possible loophole.
  • The new radars can also catch complicated violations like making U-turns through the non-designated areas and poor overtaking that puts multiples lives in danger.

Also read: Traffic Problems in the UAE – A Roundup of 2016

Other Measures Taken by Authorities to Reduce Violations

Traffic violations usually occur as a result of frustration caused among motorists by the daunting traffic congestions. Motorists can panic in challenging conditions on roads and commit offences. The authorities are not only updating the monitoring systems to catch violations, but are also bringing about initiatives to reduce the reasons that lead to frustration and panic among motorists. One of such initiatives is the recently announced “smart signals initiative” that will improve the flow of traffic by streamlining the movements of motorists and pedestrians. Such initiatives will certainly help motorists avoid traffic stress that will certainly play a part in minimizing the occurrence of serious traffic violations.

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